Day 2,656, 00:05 Published in USA USA by Kenny93

Level of intelligence is influenced by many factors. Some may surprise you.
Scientists have spent decades on it to answer the question: What makes a person smart? According to various studies — a lot of factors: your IQ level can affect how your mother fed you with a breast, and the volume of your waist.

You don’t smoke.
In 2010, Israeli researchers interviewed 20 thousand young people, checking their level of IQ and whether they smoke or not. The results were published in The Daily Mail, and state the following:

— The average IQ of smokers aged 18-21 years was 94, and a non-smoker — 101.
— The average IQ of those who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day was 90.
— When questioned two brothers, the nonsmoker was smarter than smoker.

9 Reasons to Consider Yourself Smarter than Everyone Around, Inspiration, Brain, Lifestyle, Artnaz.com

You learned to play musical instruments.
According to some studies, learning to play a musical instrument develops the child’s brain:

— studies in 2011 showed that verbal abilities of children from 4 to 6 years have improved right after first month of training.

— A 2004 study found that children of six years, who learned to play the piano for 9 months, had a significant increase in the level of intelligence compared with children who had attended a course of acting or not attended any courses.

9 Reasons to Consider Yourself Smarter than Everyone Around, Inspiration, Brain, Lifestyle, Artnaz.com
You are the eldest child in the family.
Firstborn usually smarter, but it’s not genetics. The New York Times writes:

“According to a study conducted in June 2007, the older children in the family have a small but significant advantage in IQ — by about 3 points higher than the next, by age, child. Scientists have found that it is not affected by biological factors, but psychological relationships between parents and their children.”

This and other reasons, why firstborn usually more successful than their siblings.

You have a thin waist.
In 2006, French scientists began conducting IQ tests on 2.2 thousand subjects for 5 years. The idea of the study: the thicker waist — the lower mental capacity. The results were published in The Telegraph:

“The researchers found that subjects with a BMI (body mass index) less than 20% were able to recall 56% words in the test for memorizing words, and those whose BMI was above 30, could remember only 44%. After five years of performance test, obese people deteriorate😛 the result has lower to the level of 37.5%, while their more slender counterparts showed the same result as 5 years ago.”

Therefore, as they say, in a healthy body — healthy mind.

You have a cat.
According to a study conducted in 2014, dog lovers proved to be more sociable, and cat lovers — smarter. Denise Guastello, project manager, sai😛

“Overall, there is a reasonable explanation for this: those who love dogs often go for a walk with the dog, communicate with other dog lovers and all who are interested — because they are sociable. At the same time, if you’re an introvert or vulnerable person, then you probably like to sit at home, reading a book — and cats don’t need to walk so often.”

9 Reasons to Consider Yourself Smarter than Everyone Around, Inspiration, Brain, Lifestyle, Artnaz.com
You were breastfed.
The report of Duke University state😛

“In Britain and New Zealand studies have been conducted on more than 3 thousand infants who received breast-feeding. It was found that the average lactation raises intellect on 7 points in the case if child had a certain version of FADS2 gene.”

University of Illinois at Chicago Julia Kim-Cohen says, this version of the gene “helps break down fatty acids of human milk”:

“This is why baby better absorbs milk, thereby actively develops brain and the level of intelligence increases.”

In the 2007 report, the scientists write that further research is needed to better establish the relationship between the gene FADS2, breastfeeding and the level of IQ.

You use recreational drugs.
In a study of 2012, which was attended by more than 6 thousand Britons born in 1958, scientists established a connection between high IQ in childhood, and drug use in adulthood. Scientists James W. White, Katherine R. Gale and David Batty write:

“Our research shows a high probability that the 11-year-old children with high IQ, 31 years later will use illegal drugs.”

They concluded that in contrast to most studies to establish the relationship between the level of intelligence in childhood and health in adulthood, their results show that the probability is high that a child with a high level of intelligence, in adulthood will be prone to unhealthy behavioral patterns (eg, excessive use of alcohol or drugs).

You are lefty.
Previously, left-handedness was associated with criminal activity, but then one study found that the it is the case of “divergent thinking” when creative ideas and new way of seeing things are born.

Maria Konnikova, journalist of The New Yorker, summed up a study published in 1995:

“The more left-handers in the group of subjects, the better it copes with the tasks at divergent thinking. Thus, the left-hander will come up with how using two existing objects to create a third one — for example, a pole and a can turned into a birdhouse. They are also better able to collect all the lists of words into the largest variety of categories.”

Perhaps that is why among architects and musicians are so many left-handers.

9 Reasons to Consider Yourself Smarter than Everyone Around, Inspiration, Brain, Lifestyle, Artnaz.com
Scarlett Johansson
You are tall.
Along with left-handed, being tall is referred to the indicators, responsible for the high level of intelligence. Some studies confirm this opinion.

For example, in a report on a study conducted at Princeton University, sai😛

“At the age of three years, when the child has not yet gone to school and it did not have any effect on him, as well as tall kids in general, cope with the intelligence test much better.”