5th of July - An Analysis of the Presidential Elections

Day 1,321, 08:37 Published in Germany Germany by Kim Ol

Here we go again. It's the day before the eve of presidential candidacy day, and as you may or may not know I will be running for it. Know that this article will be biased, but don't worry because I won't be brainwashing you. That's just foolish.

There we have the five candidates for presidency of Germany, at time of writing. The winner at the moment is Caroline au Marymont, who is supported by Steinmetze and PuLSeD - giving her a hypothetical total of 151 votes.
Next on the list is a certain AntiAndi, with the FDD and the Greens at his back, so that gives him 62 probable votes.
Third on the list is Kim Ol, with the WHR party at his back with the grand total of six votes (I hope by now you know I'm Kim Ol!). He is joined at the bottom of the table by schwarzer, whose liberals have netted him five votes, and last but not least vasariman, who is voting for himself.

This is not the conclusion, however. Big players Open Mind, Kommunistische and SPeD have not yet revealed their hands. So, still on a hypothetical level you understand, three vote-packets of 137, 64 and 41 could yet change ownership. And here I'll overturn all the hypothesising I've just done.

Politics does not have to be worked out like this. It is no hypothesis that politics in this game is rigidly organised, and frankly quite cynical sometimes. What is this? I believe eDeutschland at the moment is one organised division. This means that while everything is more or less 'organised' and worked out, we are too divided as a mentality and in our goals. The goals I strive for are:

1 We Survive
2 We Thrive

Two very simple, rhyming goals. One without the other is meaningless. Who knows how long it will take to be achieved? Talking and negotiating and organising and rebuilding, no one ever said it was easy. But is it impossible?

I haven't given up yet. I still think we can win. Yes, we can win. I'm not running to win for myself, I'm running for my nation.

On the 5th of July, don't vote for your party, vote for what you believe in. Vote in the old, true fashion of democracy. Voting because 'my party said so' is absolutely stupid. Make sure you vote for someone you trust with your heart. I'm not telling you to vote for me.

Whoever you vote for, vote for eDeutschland.