26th of July Movement.

Day 1,065, 14:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

26th Of July Movement
By Che Guevara ll here.

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Introduction, Why and a Short History of the Communist Movement

Since the start of eRepublik there have been countless Communist parties. The vast majority of them have failed terribly due to supression, lack of popular support, and capitalist multiple accounting. Our few victories didn't last long. The initial USSR back in Beta caved to capitalist invasion. Against at the end of V1. The Czech Socialist Republic fell to betrayal from the inside and revisionist consorting with Capitalists to bring the government down.

The reason all the movements failed is because of a lack of unity and international unity. This was already widely espoused by the Leadership of the CPSU in those early days, I, in the folly of Youth, did not listen, and led and participated many attempts at Communist Revolution. The majority of these attempts failed, due to revisionism inside the revolution and capitalist attacks from the outside, as well as a lack of unity from the movement. I have participated in about 6 different Communist struggles, and have led most of them. From the ICF to Slovakia to South Korea, I have struggled, and I've learned a lot about what the movement needs in those struggles. I will now outline the three main problems of the Revolution, and will then outline how I think we should solve these problems.

No. 1 Revisionism In The Party
At the risk of being accused of being a Stalinist(I am a Marxist-Leninist, but that's beyond the point I'm making), I have to say that the most dangerous thing to the movement is Revisionism and Internal Dispute. Revisionism is when some comrades support a softer line on Communism than the rest of the party, and when push comes to shove, become bitter with the communist party and side with the capitalists to their downfall. Whether you're a Social Democrat, Socialist or Communist, you are all anti-capitalists, and siding with the capitalist as some did in the CSR is unacceptable. Attempts to detect these kinds of people in the party early on are important, and we should always be wary of alliances with light left wing groups, as they almost always end in Betrayal and sorrow. The same point is internal dispute. The party must set a line, and the entire party must follow it. Any dispute should be kept inside. During the revolution, the initial line should not be changed, as it is often changed to facilitate revisionism, and should never be changed to do so. The original line of the party should be abided by and kept in mind when carrying out all policies, both the general line and specific lines. Deviations from this, and attempts at power lead to internal struggle, and ultimately failure.

No. 2 Capitalist Intervention
When the people seem certain to triumph, the capitalist elements of society can often intervene with multiple accounts, foreign PTOs and invasions of all sorts. To get around this, the party must form groups to track down and report multiple accounts, as well as resist them. Foreign PTOs must be avoided by tight control on immigration, and invasions must be avoided by a strong military presence within the party.

No. 3 Lack of Organization
This is the most important point of proposal. What destroyed every Communist movement, and what led to it's destruction was lack of authority and organizations. Comrades were confused and didn't know what to do, or there were multiple voices in the party telling people to do different things, and camps forming within the party. This always results in failure. There must be people to distribute messages and newspapers keeping the members up to date, and there must be a strong ultimate decisions on all matters. Comrades in the party also need a strict structure and chain of supply and information, something by solution will propose.

My Proposal and What I am Making: An International Movement
I am making an organization called The 26th of July Movement. The movement will be based around a strong military centre, and will have a firm structure internationally and a firm political basis in country. The movement will have two sides, internationally, it will bring comrades together to discuss which country to attempt a revolution in next. The movement will decide which country to attempt a revolution in, and it will organize all it's members ,and move them to that country. A political revolution will take place, and the party structure will be formed in that country. Should the movement fail, or the party be displaced, it will revert to an International Structure, and will move again. This allows an invincible, flexible organization to bring Communism to a country, and then hold the country.

The International Structure will be military style, and will consist of Divisions with a Commander, Subcommander and Members. The Commanders will form a military Council. This will be the countryless moving structure. Once the movement has chosen a country and lands there, a Party Structure will be formed with a Central Committee of Members, which will elect a Politburo, which will have a Chairman serving as both High Commander of the Milityary Division and Chairman of the Party. The international structure will become the military of the new country. Should the party structure be displaced, the internationale structure will reform.

I am now recruiting for the organization. It will be Marxist-Leninist, and will support complete annihilation of the private sector and a completely state run economy of Communes controlled by the people. To join, Message me here.

Hasta La Victoria Siempre,
Comrade Che Guevara ll

A message from Che Guevara II