25ª DROP - ⚔ YAY! GOW! ⚔

Day 2,212, 10:00 Published in Belgium Portugal by HK416


Finally i´m a Division 2 God of War, first in eBelgium. My final task in Div 2 is complete \o/
When i reached level 25 with around 3000 strengh in january, noone believed that i could reach this personal achievement. The guerrilha update made it possible and my MU support was amazing! Obrigado FOFOS \o/

Well, 2 days ago, i was preparing to sleep when i saw an RW in Wallonia. I just had to do 10 millions of damage to reach GOW rank. Luck was by my side in the guerrilhas and i did it quickly xD

I shouted with happiness and recieved multiple replies, i then decided to share with you the reactions:



#LUP (My MU)

My Girlfriend Asheri

My Commander (TugAvenger)

Erep Shout:

- DurzaPT

- Others:

You reading this shitty article:

Everyone who comments, subs and adds me as friend will receive a souvenir xP
