12 Magnificent [ENGLISH VERSION]

Day 2,036, 02:16 Published in USA Croatia by KING 1950

12 Magnificent [ENGLISH VERSION]
This is English version of that article: http://www.erepublik.com/hr/article/12-veli-anstvenih-2268887/1/20

Once this is all clear-COT is crumbling!
COT has shown that they are not unanimous alliance that will rather fight for their friends instead of alliance issues. Betrayal, about the fact the word. They are all really fear that they may avenge Serbia. And one alliance so simple it can not run.

And there are Croatia and USA opens opportunities. With former members of EDEN now we can invite some of the COT and other alliances. I have created an alliance that would have 12 members, namely:
-Bosnia and Herzegovina

Which means that the RL was 4 countries from North and South America (USA, Brazil, Chile, Mexico), Europe 5 countries (Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Ireland, Finland), 3 from Asia countries (Russia, China, Turkey ). And the most important would be, of course BROTHERHOOD!

The next question is with whom to agree new MPP's? There are some countries which unfortunately has no place in an alliance, that we would not be the case occurred COT. These states would have to choose who to choose, and there are those of NaN and Asgard would be decided between two-and us. Therefore, there are Italy, France, Germany, Israel, Macedonia, Peru, Indonesia ....

I think that this idea is not impossible, and I hope that someone will hear. Union would have to be quite organized, would not be allowed to strains or cowardly leaving friends in the lurch.
Now only remains invent the name association. Write in the comment suggestions for the name of alliance.

Chief editor
Jurica Juki