[Wook4CP] Just telling you what is what...

Day 2,233, 17:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

WookieO’s guide to ‘how it is’

This portion of my manifesto details where I marry my style of government to the reality of the eUK. I'm not trying to plonk any square blocks into circular holes here, merely trying to form a government that's closer to the current game. Its about time that Country Presidents caught up with the population, and here's what I believe are the first steps in the process.

Power to the people, eUK…


I want congress to have a real voice. It’s sad to see a group of people who hold all the cards in the game, surrender their decision making capability so easily.

In my government I want to bring the power closer to the gameplay mechanics. That is, that on every proposal, it is congress votes that decide whether it passes or not - no matter what the CP has to say about it. Congress are players who should be individually convinced that a proposal is worth passing, rather than told to vote this way or that by a Party President or Speaker or Country President or any other.

One would have thought that the abandonment of legislation would give congress some consciousness, however this tactic was a failure. When legislation was abolished it was not to change the culture of the eUK, merely to try and wrest power away from the establishment. It was poorly thought through and resulted in congress being less informed and more idle than they have ever been, and therefore even more willing to be lead by that same establishment!

I will aim to take steps to change the persisting idea that government has the right to command congress, as if it were a tool they had inherited during the CP election. I don't want to see proposals instantly shot down just because they weren't already discussed and decided upon. Congress should want to discuss the issues involved, even if the proposal was advanced by an idiot who just wanted to press a button.

An immediate “No” vote on all proposals that are deemed ‘rogue’ or haven’t been debated yet could easily be replaced by a Congress that can begin discussions straight away. Twenty-four hours is plenty of time for most issues to be talked through and voted upon.

If I ever think it is necessary, I will merely present facts relevant to a proposal to congress, and then explain what my assessment is. After that, it’s up to each congressman to discuss and decide where their vote goes.

Bloody forigs, etc…


When it comes to immigration I believe that eUK needs the numbers, especially strong accounts. I welcome migrating players to join us and take part in politics. I hope that they will integrate with existing parties and MUs and that this encourages them to fight for the country, whatever their reasons for joining us were.

No named Minister or CP holds all the citizenship passes, it’s purely up to congress to accept players into the eUK. I want congressmen to decide who they trust enough to let into the country, rather than feel like they have to wait for someone to tell them its OK. I would hope any congress who are unsure about someone would seek advice from their peers before rashly accepting them into the country. However, it’s their citizenship pass and it’s not me who they are accountable to, it’s the Party Presidents who can control which congressmen are most likely to be elected again.

Computer says “No”...


The NHS is a privately run initiative. The government does not fund it and should not act as though it owns it. The successes and failures of the NHS rest on those who donate to it, lead it and work on it. The CP has no right to try and claim its deeds are anything to do with them, nor any right to dictate the quantity of its supply or the players it donates to.

I will be naming no Minister of Health to lead the NHS, as I believe neither I nor any other CP have a mandate to do so. As such, in the event of my victory I would like Dr Kawishiwi and his band of happy health workers to decide who succeeds them and how. If they want to end the service or hand it over to others, then that is up to them. The NHS will be run as what it is, a private charitable initiative funded by generous donations from players, but with no pretensions of government ownership.

My only act will be to make sure the good Doctor, or whoever succeeds him, has access to an org for media and storage purposes if they so wish.

No, I’m of sound mind...I think. At least I was at my last check-up…

As you can see, the policies in this article are merely showing you how it is. This is already how everything works, the change I propose is a change in the mindset of the government and of the wonderfully spiffing eUK public. Previous governments have delighted in an abstracted meta-game, my government is grounded in the reality of eRepublik in the eUK.

* Matching government policy to gameplay realities
* Congressmen expected to lead the direction of in-game proposals
* A government that lets go of out-dated legislation thinking
* Immigration controlled by congressmen
* NHS directed purely by those who work on it

Stay tuned to learn about more of my aims and how I plan to achieve them!

WookieO for eUK Country President, 5th January 2014!