[Wars Around The World] Day 2430

Day 2,430, 12:25 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by hotfuz

Hello eUK!

After getting awesome feedback from my last article i have decided to carry on going 😃. Also very sorry that everything was bold last article, some messed up coding 😛.

So anyway on with it:

Northern Europe- Scandinavia, denmark and parts of uk
Things remain quite calm in northern europe, no explosion of wars with mpps and counter attacks. Sweden and Lithuania still engaged in a war. These equally matched opponents wars never really lead to something to be honest. We don't see a lot of long wipes but i do remember a time when Lithuania did control sweden. This has caused a very strong war tension to happen with these countries and its no surprise we see them in war again. The wars are mainly slightly tilted in Lithuania's side but most the wars are quite unpredictable. Sweden now 2 regions deep but still have 2 more left.
Rw by liths in Lithuania minor:http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/41135
Rw in uk in bristol, poland returning regions:http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/41147
Rw by netherlands: http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/41148
Unsure if its a rogue RW or poland returning regions since serbian threat is averted.

Western Europe

3 battles are occurring in western europe, relatively calm... USA is now facing a government threat from france. The city of Nantes is now being attacked and well it looks towards france. This could lead to USA being attacked on home soil and if this does happen it gives us a threat since France could connect to us from our regions in Canada. This war started quite a while back. USA and poland both launched attacks on france for alliance and political reasons. France always has new occupiers coming in due to there geological positioning, there heavy resources and there simple choice of alliance. France face constant threats and is very unlucky due to this.
An RW is also happening in Toulouse(polish occupied france) it looks close but i don't think its Frances prio. Poland is attacking on serbia in Munich since the obvious reason of poland pushing out serbs. It looks like this is a easy win for poland...

Eastern Europe

The place where the important wars happen... However it seems extremely calm to today regarding the situations we are in... 4 battles today... RW by romania on chile in bucharest. This is due to Chile riving through Romania with there X2 influence.
[UPDATE] Romania did free 2 regions (home) and Rwing the thrid but the sitution has devolped and Chile and Bulgaria to attack Romania. Why? Well its quite clear. Romania is a very strong country in asteria with Chile Asing them it is vital to hold on to them... An AS is only once in a while. Therefore Bulgaria and Chile are moving into Romania before the situation gets worse and more unstable.

Ukraine is now Finishing of Montenegro however an RW has developed in Central Montenegro.

I made this section entirely on serbia due to there extreme military position they are in.

A view on serbia. Serbia has certainly in a dangerous position in my case. Why do i say this? Well its clear that Croatia is advancing through serbia along with B&H. But what makes a big problem for serbia is land in other parts of Europe that Poland is sweeping up. Along with RW's and everything... This makes serbia split there damage heavily but the other countries don't get the split of damage. Meaning Serbia are retreating fast instead of a slow restoration by countries. I don't think Serbia should of engaged in these wars but tbh the president didn't have a choice. He had to attack because well it would help the alliance by a milestone and also the pressure of the people. I predict Serbia will be temp wiped or have a long term one (just my opinion).
Croatia now attacking Belgrade just started so no predictions.

Southern Europe

Very calm in southern europe. No wars going one except ones I have already talked about.

South Europe will face a calm time i reckon, spain will cool down over wipe by Argies and Italy will be slowly RWing there regions back.


Calm as always in Asia except Romania's continuing advance through russia, this does worry me since Romania are keeping regions in russia and separates them from europe meaning they can still function. However if they carry on they will border USA arising an issue of an invasion by both France and romania.


Calm around here total of 2 battles. Both RW's by Malaysia against Thailand. Also one by Philippines against Indonesia.

Middle east

Very calm, nothing here at all. Turkey, Greece and cyprus controlling the middle east. Along with Australia who control one region to allow them to stay functional: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/region/Jizan


2 battles here. one was South Africa gaining there independence successfully and so is closed. another is by By nigeria RW against Argentina.

South america

Remaining very calm in South America. Only battle is Argentina finishing of a recently RWed region by Bolivia:http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/53893

North America

3 Battles in North America today.

RW by Canada which looks successful.
Ireland move into another Canadian region: http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/53892
Rw by Canada in Irish region but they are clearly concentrated on euk regions:
Colombia continually presses through Mexico but both sides are fighting very hard, no idea on the winner:
These are euk battles. If we look at ourselves and battles, we win the attacks but lose the RW's. This is turning out to be cycle and we need to try and do something about it. Otherwise it will just be like a long war that sweden and Lithuania have which will just weaken any relations with them and just give us trouble. We either win. or we know when we are lost and pull out before Canada go into a revenge attack.

Thats it for know!!!!

Took my quite a while.

Please please VOTE!!! I put a lot of effort into these articles.

Hope you enjoyed it and learnt something.



