[USWP] Pfeiffer for Party President

Day 2,914, 07:01 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.

When in the course of Pfeiffer events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the faces of their enemies with acid, and to assume among the powers of the multiverse, the separate and superior station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God-Emperor entitle him, a half-decent article shall be published.

It's been a little bit since I've last assumed the reins of the party, and this time I have a few projects I'd like to kick off should I be returned to office as USWP President.

Since my last term as Party President the use of group messages as a way for us to bicker enjoy lovely chats together have stopped. I'd like to return to doing so, and to once again use these as a means of recruiting and evaluating congressional candidates from within our ranks.

I've set aside 50,000 USD to be used in for a USWP jobs program. We've seen other parties essentially buying new players by offering them above market wage jobs, so the USWP simply must counter their bribes with acid to the face better offers. I'm still working out the salary levels, but one key component to this program is that active participation in the party will be rewarded directly with cash monies via a higher salary. Vote in our latest primary? Awesome, your salary just went up 10-15 bucks til the next primary! Win FeMU this week? Ka-Plow, cash monies. Write a USWP article that makes me tingle in my tingly place? BOOM, another raise (though probably smaller than the recurring ones, as this will be a one-time permanent thing...that's why I'm still working up the pay schedule).

Thirdly, I'd like to have some of our former USWP Country Presidents write a bit about themselves and their time in office. We have some excellent archives on the forums, and we have in game articles to reference, but first hand gossip accounting of events is really the most interesting. I'm still trying to force myself to finish "editing" the Pfeiffer Chronicles second volume, and am hoping that this term will push me to get it done.

There isn't anything super revolutionary or incredibly out of the box. I'm one of those people who are exactly what it says on the tin. You'll get a reliable President who responds to the membership, I get to pay for steam cleaning in my old office (again).

USWP is my eRep home more than any other entity ever has been. You guys are why I'm still here, you've given me years of good times, and all I ask is that I be allowed to return the sentiment to you via my efforts for our incredible party.

Should you need anything, my inbox is always open to you (and you've probably got spam in yours from me anyway).

As always, I remain


