[UNL] Weekly News

Day 736, 08:01 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Media en Recrui
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Changes in Government
The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense have decided to resign. The government would like to thank them for their commitment to the union and for all the work they've done for the eUNL.

Prime Minister Olv007 went to eBelgium to help rebuild it, Boklevski is appointed as his ad interim replacement. Boklevski is also Minister of Finances and will continue his tasks as such. Minister of Defense AndreasIsaksson was, among other things, not happy about the rejection of the new charter of PEACE, reason for him to quit his job and leave the country. He is replaced by DanielB1989. The new ministers will only be in office for a few days, but the government and the president felt the positions were important enough to have someone on it at all times.

Congress Elections
We are trying to get democracy and freedom restored in the occupied territories. We urge everyone with eBelgian citizenship to vote for the Benelux party, the one and only real Belgian based party active in the eBelgian congress elections. Please consult this spreadsheet before voting. More info on voting in eBelgium.

Home Affairs
The Ministry of Home Affairs has been working on the new constitution and the CFU project. I'm now trying to get everything ready for my successor, who I hope will be able to close the debate on the constitution and start the voting procedure. The CFU project has moved on to the final phase, but we still need input from our citizens if we want it to succeed. I hope you are all watching the debates and adding things if you get an idea. Report for duty here.

Thank you, it was an honour!
Minister of Home Affairs

Minister of Defense AndreasIsaksson resigned. He is replaced by DanielB1989. This will only be for a few days. Today there are congress elections and a new government will be formed soon, but the position of MoD is too important to leave unattended.

Minister of Defense

The new charter of PEACE was rejected by congress and UNL has left PEACE GC.

We left PEACE, but we won't forget what we have achieved through this alliance... We had great times in PEACE, with great victories ! We also suffered defeats together and developed great everlasting friendships with countries and people from all over the world. These friendships will stay, we will find a new way to stand side-by-side by our friends, we won't forget them and we won't forget our past : we will still work on closer relations to our real friends and help each other every possible way !

We are truly happy to have been part of this glorious history of PEACE GC, and of eRepublik.

For the last time, we are proud to say :
"PEACE at Home, PEACE in the World !"

President of the United Netherlands

I have published the weekly Finance Report again yesterday.

In short, there has been a lot of volatility in the rates on the monetary market. Additionally, last week GOLD has been moved from DNB to Ministerie van Economische Zak in exchange for NLG (partly to counter this volatility).

For full details, please refer to the report.

Kind regards,
Your Minister of Finance

Foreign Affairs
Right now, in these interesting times, we need active and enthusiastic ambassadors. If you are interested in becoming one, please PM Smook McSmok, Garmr or Trinc.
We are also proud to present to you Miro86 (Lithuania), Sphagin (South-Africa), Sjakie03 (Finland) and Betha (India).

We from the Foreign Affairs team had a lot of fun and it was a pleasure to work for our cool country 🙂

Smook McSmok, Trinc and Garmr
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

If you need any raws, please contact Shrubbery or Ministerie van Grondstoffen. Please tell WHAT raws you need and on WHICH company.
We'll get your raws donated ASAP.

Minister of Raws

Recruitment & Coaching
R&C is working on tutorials, FAQ and information about the history of our union (eBelgium & the eNetherlands joining, RW Flanders & Brussels) for the forum topic for new citizens.

Minister of Recruitment & Coaching

State Companies
This week our state companies in Belgium were reorganised. Surlet has a Q1 gift company & a Q1 weapon company. We have provided many skill 0 jobs for weeks now. At the moment these companies also provide jobs for the congress candidates from the Benelux Party. When needed, the employees get weapons & food donated from the non occupied territories. Olv007 is appointed as the manager of Surlet.

UNL Hospitals
We are going to close UNL hospitals. We will finish the third hospital (for stock), all wood will be gone then and the employees need to find another job. We hope the other construction companies will take this opportunity to replace inactives for excellent employees.
Deviltje stepped down as manager of this company because he did not have the time any more. I thank him for the work he did.
We are close to a sale of one hospital. After that we will sell the second and then restart the company.

Skill 0 job offers
We regret that sometimes there were no skill 0 job offers. The managers will not let this happen again. No skill 0 job offers are placed at UNL Farming, because there are not enough jobs in that field.

Our state companies are providing a lot of free weapons for the army. The budget for the army is higher and the army stronger than you would expect when you only look at the defense budget.

This will be my last term. I thank all who contributed to the organisation of the state companies (managers, coaches and the ministry of raws). I wish the United Netherlands the best.

Minister of State Companies

Belgian Affairs
Today are elections for congress. We are trying to get democracy and freedom restored in the occupied territories. We urge everyone with eBelgian citizenship to vote for the Benelux party, the one and only real Belgian based party active in the eBelgian congress elections. Please consult this spreadsheet before voting. More info on voting in eBelgium.

High commissioner in charge of Belgian affairs

Media & Health
I hope you enjoyed this Weekly News. More information about our nation can be found on the UNL forum.

Perry Rhodan
Minister of Media & Health

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