[United Front] Commune Pay Increases and Other Updates

Day 2,326, 11:55 Published in Canada Norway by Major Lee Hung

Brief Updates

I'll try to keep this one brief! Here's a few things going on this week...


Wages in the commune will be going up 20% - they'll be increasing from 50cc per day to 60cc per day to reflect increasing wages around the eWorld. Wage increases will take effect from tomorrow.

Presidential Poll

There's a poll in the party feed; vote in it and receive 250cc!

Candidates for president, if you want to be added to our poll you should contact us to let us know, so we can ensure serious candidates are given the opportunity.

Forthcoming Plans
-Begin making global friendships with other parties
-Make a push for IRC use
-Drafting of policies is going to begin on the weekend
-Recruitment push coming up

That's all for today!