[UKRP] Party President primary results, pie charts and arses

Day 2,611, 16:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

Time for a new face…

Hello UKRP and anyone else stupid/bored/mental enough to be reading this!

After another whirlwind month in charge of what is clearly the best political party in the eUK, barring the Spamicans of course, my last duty was to run a primary vote to choose my successor.

We had a choice between silent (but apparently violent) GLaDOS, loud and proud Fataliix and partay animal iAdrastos.

Adastros, Fataliix or GLaDOS?

The votes poured in and at 17:40 eRep time on Day 2,610, it was all decided. The masses of UKRP voters had staggered down to the local community centre where I (with a little help from Gali2332) had put together a few sandwiches, all neatly cut into triangles with their crusts removed. It was a delightful sight, one that would have made Dr Kawishiwi proud.

What was less delightful was the image that has scarred many of us who were left to do the clearing up that night, when Massacar decided to remove all his clothing and dance around the hall to the greatest hits of Madonna. He’d somehow gotten hold of a bottle of Baileys and chugged the lot. Fortunately CptChazbeard was on hand to shepherd young Massacar to a waiting taxi which took him out to Basingstoke and left him shivering in an empty Lidl car park.

Basingstoke...where dreams go to die…

So you want to know who won?

I’m getting there...in fact I have a fancy pie chart to show us the results:

Ooooohhhhh, pie…

FATALIIX wins the primary as you can see here and will be our mighty Emperor next month! Thanks to all of you who took the precious seconds out of your valuable lives to vote, it is always much appreciated.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that UKRPers were also asked to vote for a certain body part which they believed most represented me, the current Party President.

This was purely so I could produce another colourful pie chart and bask in the glory of stats:

Some UKRPers don’t know their arses from their elbows...or their big toes it seems…

With just over 40% of the vote, the UKRP has spoken...and I will forever be remembered as that Party President that people mostly thought of as a big toe (from a left foot)! I might run the same vote at a later date and see if I’ve morphed into an arse by then.

So that’s that then folks. Remember to vote for Fataliix on the 15th and look forward to a cracking month in the UKRP.

As always thank you for reading, commenting, voting and even endorsing.


Outgoing UK Reform Party President
Royal Whipping Boy
Hairiest Dentist