[UKPP] A fresh way forward

Day 1,686, 04:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr

“ Striving to improve the UK through evaluation and reform.We are always looking to the future rather than the past and will continue to offer opportunities for all to speak and be heard.

UKPP For a better Tomorrow.

With a lively community and a friendly social buzz, the UKPP has always been there for newer players to guide them through the firsts steps of this game.

The UKPP is the party of the new player. There are no 'behind closed doors' decisions or executive groups and the party practices a 'democracy of the masses' approach with policy formed by party conference and party balloting. In the UKPP it is not your age, strength, cash reserves or who you know that counts - It is your activity that matters.

The UKPP is the newest party in the top 5 and has struggled from it's inital beginnings as a small protest group into a large party that represents those eUK players that strive for a just and equal community for all, while maintaining an air of fun, free from discrimation of any kind.

Below gives a brief overview on the UKPP perspective:

Taxation Policy
UKPP supports as low a income and VAT taxation as the nation can support without putting the nations finances/secruity at risk or damaging programs intended to help those most in need. However we will remain committed to high Import taxes in an effort to help our own nations businesses.
Citizenship Passes
Until a suitable alternitive is found UKPP shall support the measures already in place with regards to Citizenship passes.
Minimum Wage
UKPP is committed to low minimum wage. The reason for doing so is that the only people working at minimum wage are mainly those in commune style employment. Raising the cost of wages would harm not only National Army, but
also those Private MU's which the country depends on for its national security
Donations shall only be deposited to national organisations agreed to by the CP at the time and MoF. If changes are to be made, congress are to be informed via in-game message by either CP, MoF or MoLA.
The party will respect the democratic choice of the entire UK populace and will not seek to remove a sitting CP unless inactive or requested. Other parties MAY however seek to push out a rival in which case any UKPP members of congress are free to vote as they desire.
Natural Enemy
The party will not launch an attack on any other nation unless said nation has launched an NE of their own or is occupying UK national regions.
UKPP supports a low MPP count paid for from tax payers money. Although we will support and agree to those brought forward
and financed by private means.
New Citizen Fee
The UKPP welcomes all new comers to the eUK, and as such the fact that they are active within our community and fighting for our nation should
be payment alone. We would welcome this to be set to as low a figure as possible.
Community Programs
The UKPP strongly agrees to a National Army being in place.
Funding will not be provided for Private MU's. Any UK organised strikes will not discriminate against due to age, rank or skill. We all pay taxes evenly and thus are entitled to the receipts of our labours. The national command will be apolitical in nature and not subject to the monthly 'reward' appointment by the latest CP.

The UKPP supports the social programs run by the Government to enable newer players to get a leg-up into self sustainability, such as the NHS scheme. We support any and all means of retention, though we must remain wary of over-strecthing our limited finances.

Programs should be open to allcomers, in-game and at fair return.
Diversification of companies will be practiced and aimed at helping players quickly and effecently achieve Q5 town hall status.
Special additions on top of the national allocation will be provided to those willing to support the national army.

Party Programs

Royal Navy MU

The Military Unit was created to give the members of UKPP a platform to follow orders and give them the ability to not only complete two missions but gain daily rewards for fighting in the right area. All of this will benefit the UK as a whole as the members rank up faster and use their damage for important battles. The goal of the UKPP military was simply to allow people to have somewhere to fight and make sure that the damage was directed better.
The Royal Navy's main priority is eUK battles. This gives our members a chance to earn gold via True Patriot but also serves to protect our nation.

Royal Navy Strike Program

The Military Unit runs a weekly strike program for all members to get involved in no matter what rank or strength, which is fully supplied by the commander to help pour damage in for the eUK. Bonuses are also rewarded for loyalty to the unit as an incentive to keep actively fighting for the country.

Saltpeter Program

This provides not only the party with the means to fund our programs but also gives the player a chance to earn a pretty penny on the side. As for now this program is suspended until the economy module is changed or WRM becomes much more profitable again.

Retention Program

The retention program has been set up specifically to help out young players who join the party. By mentoring and guiding them through the early stages of the game, it gives them a great chance to fully develop into strong citizens.

UKPP Bank Loans

UKPP is able to offer its members a low interest loan.

For more UKPP/Royal Navy player schemes check out our eUK forum section for more information.

Get involved, follow the links:
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UKPP Royal Navy

UKPP Forum
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