[UKGov] UK Today Day 1398

Day 1,398, 07:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
Good Day and welcome to UK Today!



Welcome to this edition of UK Today!

This section is a special announcement from the government of the eUnited Kingdom.

(As posted here.)

Yesterday we lost the battle for London. It was a long, hard, expensive fight, with big tanking and considerable allied support on both sides. Many people from the UK and from allied nations showed incredible effort and dedication, including hard hitting tanks, strong military units, generous benefactors and tireless suppliers. To everyone that fought for London yesterday in whatever manner, to every single citizen of the eUK, and to our great allies who gave up so much for us, we give our heartfelt thanks.

This battle has reminded us that we have an incredible group of friends, both men and women of brotherhood that can be counted on when and wherever there is a need, to give their effort, their time, their all in the pursuit of friendship. Our allies had critical battles on many fronts, yet still sent incredible amounts of damage and support.

To these, our cherished friends in Serbia, Macedonia, Hungary, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Sweden, Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia, Indonesia, Iran, Estonia, Japan, Slovakia, and to the many individuals that answered the call of friendship today, we salute you!

We will not forget.

The battle is over but the war is not. Our fightback began immediately, with Canadian economic colonies being stripped one by one, and British regions being returned to us with stunning rapidity. Canada paid dearly in gold and in credibility with its allies to take London, it is paying dearly with its losses in resistance wars now, and it will pay even more dearly when the time is right.

The bonds of fighting friendship were forged yesterday: forged in fire, forged in hardship. Such bonds will prove difficult to break. The enemies that yesterday dealt a blow will see, will hear, will realize that in their path stands a group more unified than ever, more at ONE than ever before. Soon we will be together again in London- not scathed from defeat, but rather celebrating in glorious victory-

And they will not soon forget!

Again, we give our warmest and most heartfelt thanks to those that fought to defend London yesterday. To pledge our support and to say- just as you were there for us, we shall be there for you in due course.

Thank you


Kevy Shabado, President

Thatcher, MoFA

Temujin94, MoFA

Kdogground2, MoD

Emergy Maxfell, MoF

Valorum, MoLA

Master Hofkens, MoW

Iain Keers

Talon Karrde, MoHA


Hello and welcome to The Flying Start Program!

These awards are for all citizens of the eUnited Kingdom below level 20 in game. (Awards for players over this level will follow)

If you're under this level and haven't claimed an award in the past, you are eligible to win these awards.

How do you win them? It's simple- you just supply us your profile link, and whatever evidence you think proves you've done what the award asks.

This could be a screenshot of you doing something, or anything else you think shows this.

If you think you qualify for an award, please post below with your profile link, the awards you are claiming, and your evidence. Posts without this information will be ignored, so make sure you stick this down!

Here are the awards:

Basic Forum Awards

Register on the Forums - 5 Q5 Food
Join the Military - 100GBP
Join a Political Party - 50GBP
Sign Up with a Mentor - 3 Q5 Food and 5 Q5 Weapons
Use the Town Center Scheme - 100GBP
Use the Free Iron Companies Grant - 100GBP
Use the Bank of England Loans scheme - 100GBP

IRC User Awards

Join the (Internet Relay Chat) IRC.Rizon.Net server and chat on #euk - 3 Q5 Food
Register an IRC Nickname - 2 Q5 Food
Chat with us at #MoHA - 50GBP

Journalism Awards

Create a Newspaper an😛-
Write one (relevant) Article- 1 Q5 Weapon
Get 10 Votes for One Article - 3 Q5 Weapons
Get 10 Subscriptions to your Newspaper - 2 Q5 Weapons

Fighting and Working Awards

Get your first Hard Worker Medal - 100GBP
Get your first Super Soldier Medal - 100GBP
Hit 1,000 Influence in one battle - 5 Q5 Food
Hit 2,000 Influence in one battle - 5 Q5 Food

Join up on the forums (see the 'communities' link at the bottom) to win these awards!





- If you're a new player and you're trying to get your head around the game, maybe you have a question you'd like answered, and would like some friendly advice then PM our Lead Mentor Talon Karrde and you will be contacted shortly.

- Project Library is still going on. We need people like you to help us write some helpful guides for new players and those who are just plain confused with this game. And if charity doesn't float your boat, the best contributors will get prizes!

To find out what you can do to help, just follow the link here.

-If you're a new player you may qualify for free food. Follow this link- http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=588 and post in the threads advertising food schemes there.

-TIP OF THE DAY: Make use of the Flying Start program!


Remember to keep up with the Military news by reading and subscribing to the MoD newspaper here.

Keep an eye out on all the other government articles by subscribing to them using the links below.
Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [UKGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

If you want to get ahead in erepublik and learn how all the exciting modules work check out our wiki tutorial!

Talon Karrde