[TTH] The Great Multi Hunt...

Tag 2,784, 08:38 Veröffentlicht in USA USA von Franklin Stone


Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Editor-In-Chief and Pontificator of Tin Hattery
Mother ~Danzig

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Recently Forum Terrorist and iNCi supporter Kemal Ergenekon -a party with a Candidate in these elections- in his article eUS TRAITOR HUNT! 100 Q7 PER TRAITOR! offered to pay Americans for turning in other American citizens who he considered 'traitors', never mind that most citizens in game consider him a bigoted traitor. So anyway, I have decide to offer something different, something that will make a difference in game, something in game that will also affect the 'Ministry of Truth' and their rather large Troll Infestation.

Here is the deal. Find a multi suspect, send it to all you friends and request they also report the suspect, send a ticket to Admin and screenshot it. When the suspect is banned in game, screenshot it; send both screenshots to me and once I verify and determine who reported the suspect first...I will give you 1 3 gold for each banned multi. Kemal Ergenekon is an American Immigrant, he was not American when he started this game; he was in fact a supporter of the iNCi -the political party who required a bribe from the government to stop selling citizenships to Serbians and who were a Turkish Cabal of thugs. A party who came to America and PTOed their way into Congress, a party who demanded a bribe equal to the amount which was at that time being budgeted to Militias through the Office of Militia Support (OMS) for their Private Military Unit (PMU); they basically demanded a bribe to stop committing treason.

So. Welcome to the Great Multi Hunt! This is a personal vendetta of mine, having lost several accounts to the 'MoT Trolls' reporting techniques; I have decided to go on the hunt. Multis are the scourge of eRepublik, they can easily change the outcome of elections on all levels; the most harmful of them being Congressional Elections -where they are used to ensure that the power elite retain their power. Now Multis are against the rules, not by mechanics or because some citizen believes them to be traitors; but because they are against eRepublik Rules. Many of the meta government attack not only my having cheated, they point their finger at other citizens and scream accusations of one theme or another and drive them out of America; there are many expatriate Americans around the eRepublik world. Many of them driven out by a power group who cares nothing about America, a group who work closely and secretly with supporters of a treasonous party; a group cares only about their own pockets and keeping their hands in America's; believe me when I say these guys are no Boy Scouts.

Therefore recently I have been Multi Hunting on my own, over the last week or so I have had some great success; got 9 such accounts banned. Here is the list of the ones I foun😛


So to get you started, send me and in game PM and I will send you free of charge my latest list of Multi Suspects for you to report. Each could earn you 1 3 gold when they get banned and you provide proof.


Join the People's party the Socialist Freedom Party and help bring about change.
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Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
...it's 4:20 somewhere.

C'est la vie, Chérir'....
Comrade Franklin Stone
Socialist Freedom Party
Bear Cavalry, Insignificant PopGun, 4th Regiment  
Easy Company Militia, Military Fitness Academy, Class of 2601
Easy Company Militia Cadet Plebe, Advanced Training Academy, Resigned