[TRANS] [ENG] Mossy on president, Yes, we can!

Day 1,576, 16:43 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by ¤Anon.2083311¤

for those not speaking Slovak, I'm bringing you translation of this article:

[paedophile picture] - no, thx, not in my articles

Dear fellow citizens,

It's time to vote parties of president and I'm here. I am not only intelligent and charming something, but am also experience, how to lead a party and whole country. Our country is now occupied by the enemy, I will take yourself into my powerful protection.

Give me your women,because for harem and votes in elections.
Thank you for the first woman at the top of my harem, Kate metallurgist!

Vote me on Slovak for free! Vote for me Liberties!

Your loved Mossy

[another picture]