"There is an active battle involving your country"

Day 472, 16:33 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

eLadies and eGentleman, warriors all

Apparently the Burritos in Nothern Mexico are not quite authentic enough to satisfy our tastes.


We are attacking the Central Highland region of Mexico! This area will release to us other areas to attack within Mexico that hold strategic possibilities for us for defense in the future.

However, there is a catch. Now we fight Mexico, Hungary, Chile, Argentina, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Though these nations are smaller than us, together they could pose some serious RAWR!

To that end. FIGHT. We can do this, it is very possible especially with Hungary busy with their own problems. We can prove today that eAmerica is a force to be reckoned with! With all this rawr we'll soon be experienced enough to kick some serious international arse. Flexing our muscles will build our muscles!

Ranks will be flying up left and right. I know using only Q1/2 weapons I have gone from Private to almost Leutenant (one more battle for me UncleSam please?).

One thing my poll revealed quite clearly is that most of the eUSA wants to see RAWR! See your tax dollars at work, Uncle Sam has been busy giving us fun and experience to make our nation what it needs to be, a world player.

The international scene is indeed spicing up to some interesting scenarios with Romania and Indonesia slugging at each other, Hungary meddling with their affairs, and the eUSA starting out on our own expedition to conquer some more territory. Where will the eworld be by tomorrow?

It's time to kick some international bootay!

Aren Perry,
Ambassador to Turkey
Head of AAP Recuitment
SADD member
Fan of RAWR