[The Golden Bicycle] Autumn Edition Nominations

Day 2,560, 15:29 Published in Netherlands Poland by Gwom

(English version below)

Hey eNederland,
De bomen verliezen hun bladeren, en het weer word steeds slechter.... Dus is het eindelijk zo ver, de herfst editie van The Golden Bicycle is er!

Wat is "The Golden Bicycle"?
The Golden Bicycle is een door het volk gekozen prijs voor de eNederlandse burger die het meeste voor het land betekend heeft de afgelopen maand/maanden. Deze prijs bestaat uit 5 gold en de eeuwige roem!

Hoe kun je mee doen?
Ken jij iemand die veel betekend heeft voor eNederland, en van wie je vind dat hij/zij de Golden Bicycle verdiend? Geef hem/haar dan nu op! Plaats een comment met: I think (NAME) should win The Golden Bicycle. En diegene doet mee. Let op! Je kunt jezelf NIET opgeven, iemand anders moet dus denken dat jij kans maakt!

Hoe word de winnaar gekozen?
Nadat er genoeg deelnemers zijn zullen deze in een volgend artikel gepresenteerd worden. In dit artikel wordt ook uitgelegd hoe je kunt stemmen op je favoriete kandidaat.

De vorige winnaar, Walhallah, heeft het voorrecht om als eerste iemand te nomineren:

"I guess I'll nominate Weekstrom. Hes a guy with opinions that are unfortunately not always appreciated for their full value. Right or wrong, he's always there for a solid debate, always present when eNL needs to be defended or represented. A bit in the background when it comes to organizing and not so much in the spotlight as others, yet continuously working for better organisations in eNL, wheter is be on the money-market, in DAF or other things. And definitely always there when eNL (or DAF) needs a shitload of damage.
I want to show my appreciation for this by nominating him."

De inschrijving is HIERBIJ geopend!
Notitie: Je mag iedereen nomineren, dus ook kandidaten van vorig seizoen!


English version:

Hey eNetherlands,
The trees are losing their leaves and the weather is worsening... So the time is finally here! The Autumn edition of The Golden Bicycle arrived!

What is "The Golden Bicycle"?
The Golden Bicycle is an award chosen by the people for the eDutch citizen who has accomplished the most for our country the past few months. This award contains 5 gold and eternal fame!

How do you compete?
Do you know someone who has done a lot for eNetherlands, and who you think that he/she deserves The Golden Bicycle? Sign him/her up now! Just post a comment with: I think (NAME) should win The Golden Bicycle. And that person competes. Warning! You can NOT sign up yourself, somebody else must think you deserve The Golden Bicycle!

How do we elect the winner?
After enough participants have been signed up, a new article will appear where the participants are presented. In this article I will explain how to vote for your favourite candidate.

The previous winner, Walhallah, has the privilege to nominate someone at first:

"I guess I'll nominate Weekstrom. Hes a guy with opinions that are unfortunately not always appreciated for their full value. Right or wrong, he's always there for a solid debate, always present when eNL needs to be defended or represented. A bit in the background when it comes to organizing and not so much in the spotlight as others, yet continuously working for better organisations in eNL, wheter is be on the money-market, in DAF or other things. And definitely always there when eNL (or DAF) needs a shitload of damage.
I want to show my appreciation for this by nominating him."

The nomination is HEREBY opened!
Note: You can nominate everyone, even candidates from last season!
