[Rei Gerundae Causa]We need to move on

Day 2,078, 00:25 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by slps

原文:We need to move on

「Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.」
I mentioned dictatorship in the last post

I did, and to clarify what I mean I wanted to bring it up in this article as well. I do not mean to be someone who will whip people to do stuff, I mean to have the control and last decision. Right now the CP does not have the control to finance war as we saw in the SCI incident, and this really cripples our war efforts. How can we expect to win if we do not plan to sacrifice some money to finance our people fighting? I will drive through that the CP will have emergency funding for cases like this, a funding that only the CP has access to and that only the CP can decide if he/she wants to use. We are in war, and in war the CP needs more control than he does in times of peace, this is what I intend to fix.
(有關SCI這件事,可以去看我之前翻的一篇外電Wyoming: Personal Politics is Greater than the War Effort,這篇就在講SCI)

We seem to be stuck in a loop(現在我們看起來正陷在一個無限迴圈)

Every month we have an unity election to decide who shall run for POTUS in game. These elections are done inside the party and those that don't want to sign up for the forums got no saying, even though they might have an opinion on the case.

These elections are not needed anymore, and I surely hope that we will move away from it this period so that we once again can have a real election where each party stands behind the candidate that they believe is the best one, and not just jump on the bandwagon and vote for one because they were told to.

I will NOT run for POTUS in the Unity primaries. If a party wants to support me because they agree with my politics I gladly accept their support.

Battle efforts

This period started extremely poorly, we liberated a few regions but lost them instantly. There was no real plan, and if it was there were no real thinking or planning behind it. Now in the end we have managed to free a few regions from Serbia due to a massive attack on them when they were unstable, but we still got a few regions left.

I got no clue why we decided to go heads on the strongest countries to start with when we got several oppressors around us.

Republic of China(Taiwan): By far the weakest country, they might not be in our regions but they are just south keeping Mexico occupied and wiped. These are the ones we should have gone for first, well timed RWs and coordination with Mexico and South Korea and they could have been gone within a few days. This would leave Mexico available to help us in our war efforts, which they are very eager to do, if people would actually contact them and sit down to make plans. They only got 1 route to the Mexico regions, and that is through California which they do not occupy right now.

Hungary: The second weakest country, with an attack by Mexico, eUS and Russia during our prime time they would have a really hard time to keep up. Later when we have liberated regions we would have even more fronts open against them to make it even harder.

Serbia: They might be the strongest population and damage wise, but their trade route makes them weak as we have seen the past few days. This competition and their internal problems have caused them a lot of damage since all of a sudden people tank really hard in several battles against them. They now have to give up their regions in eUS for awhile before they stabilize.

Polan😛 They might not be THE strongest, but they are strong and got several access points to us. That they are spread out over several regions weakens them though and that will be the key to defeat them.

Foreign affairs - This is why they are important
外交 – 這就是他們重要的原因

Mexico are pissed at us, and they got every right to be. For some reason we thought that winning a region against Poland that we did not really need was more important than them getting a congress. That ended up with us having a region and neither we or Mexico with a congress. They are the ally that is closest to us with several border points. An ally that have one of our common enemies occupying them. We NEED their help in this to break free.

I asked Yetlanesi what she thinks of the communication with eUS and she claims that it's non-existent. Paul barely ever answered her, never communicated about strategical moves or even tried to get Mexico in on the plans to free our countries.

This is one of the problems that we have ha😛

Paul Proseus:明天計畫一個起義戰

How can we expect to win if we can not even communicate with our allies that we need? It's time that we shape up and realize that we're not in this boat alone, and that the key to success is not always to work on your own and always focus on your own regions. The key to our success is in cooperation with several allies to remove our enemies one by one, weakest first.

Circle of Trust - Once again, time to move on

As I wrote in my last campaign, our time in Circle of Trust needs to come to an end. The alliance is so extremely crippled and disfunctional that it is not even fun anymore. The priorities are so flawed and the strategies so weak that we do not stand a chance.

I know that people bring up the damage as the main reason, yes they have more damage, but that is not the only reason to why Circe of Trust is losing so badly. There is no organization or structure. This is not where we belong.