"Ireland never had such a poor record no matter what alliance was dominant."

Day 1,558, 07:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Danie Fox

"Ireland never had such a poor record no matter what alliance was dominant." - Irishbhoy

After reading these words I decided to investigate, using the historical maps available from the world map. This is what I foun😛

The UK deleting Ireland on our own and holding them down for five days

Occupied by three nations, yet still returning more than once a week.

It seems that whilst we can wipe and hold EDENite Ireland for a while on our own, even when we were not in ONE and fighting Canada, Ireland needs two allies (who have had no other wars) and two alliances (who do 1 billion damage more a day than ONE, see the Economist) to fail to hold us for any significant amount of time. This is despite Ireland and Canada each having only one hostile neighbour (the UK), whilst we have Ireland, Canada, the USA, France, the Netherlands, Finland and Germany (which is 7 for any eIrish amongst you).

So, in reality, who actually has the worst record in the British Isles? The country who wipes and holds its neighbour on its own whilst the neighbour is in an alliance, or the neighbour who can only wipe and can't hold the regions of the first country, even with two allies helping, a much stronger alliance and three months after the first country last had a congress to supply their army with money?

I think we all know the answer.


[edit] You can't win against Irish trolls:

"Bro, you were never "outside an alliance" you had ONE MPPs and ONE support." - Seanan

"Do you not see the irony of how UK was doing better when it was not in ONE?" -Addy Lawrence

"Clever Foreign Policy is a part of the game, yours is retarded just liek your attitude. enjoy your butthurt." - Irishbhoy1967
"Compare your country against one that's.. what, 5 times smaller. Stay classy England." -Eiros

"The point is this, there is no such thing as 1v1 in this game" - Irishbhoy1967

"Well what can I say, you guys gloat over wiping an ecountry with a population less than half of yours..." - Klop123

"Because unlike you incompetent monkeys who ironically rely entirely on your alliance having excess damage to overcome your enemies" - Seanan

So we have always gotten ONE support, have never had ONE support, are stupid for relying on allies and you are clever for relying on allies? We beat you 1v1 as our country is bigger than yours and there is no thing as 1v1?