Day 876, 06:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda
First off please Vote n Sub

Even though i'm enjoying the UK's pathetic attempts at trolling our media

I'm tiring of their drivel and dissapointed by their FAILure to honour their promise to invade eIreland,

But we all know eBrits have NO honour

So What Can We Do ?

I hereby Propose we make TOMORROW (April 15th, day877)
A National
"Torment your local UK govt members and citizens into declaring war day "
"Push The Button Day"

Hit it DJ Gormley
Soundtrack for the Day

To participate you can do one of many things
You can PM the following people who have declared/approved the intention to invade eIreland to gently prod them to push the button

Maddog Jones

Make it a bit more fun
Change your avatar to one of the following before you PM them

http://i39.tinypic.com/vsgl76.jpg" width="100">

http://i39.tinypic.com/amseg2.jpg" width="100">

http://i44.tinypic.com/316qnpj.jpg" width="100">

http://i41.tinypic.com/x537ux.jpg" width="100">

http://i44.tinypic.com/w1v0xf.jpg" width="100">

(images above courtesy of Donut ,thanks 😉 )

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:QME9QH4oWjtYkM:http://tiptopwebsite.com/photos4/kingpin53/asimplepush.jpg" width="100">

Then troll the UK media while dressed in your lovely new avatar
Especially the articles Written by the above people

And of course DO NOT FORGET to drop your comment in the UK's Ministry Of Defence aticles

MoD News