[MVP]MoFa o eBelgiji

Day 2,349, 13:26 Published in Croatia Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

Zajednica eBelgija je uvijek bila jako mala zajednica , ali njihova veličina je počela smanjivati snažno nakon unutarnje borbe za snage koja se dogodila u 2011. Od tada, broj aktivnih igrača snažno je smanjen, a danas broj stvarno aktivnih igrača na političkom gledalištu je puno manje u odnosu na broj kongresnih slobodnih mjesta za cijelu zemlju. Unatoč toj relativno maloj sredini, građani eBelgije su napravili snažne veze s ostalim susjednim zemljama kao što su Velika Britanija ili Nizozemska. Obje zemlje su također " spojile " sa eBelgijom tijekom ranih eRepublik dana .

Najistaknutiji eBelgijski na međunarodne zajednice su vjerojatno Mittekemuis, ThomasRed i MaryamQ koji su svi bili nekoliko puta predsjednici eBelgije. Troje od njih imaju nevjerojatne vještine u razgovoru i oni znaju kako steči prijatelje preko puta u eSvijetu i zadržati dobre odnose s mnogim zemljama.

Među trenutno aktivnim eBelgijcima, najznamenitiji građani Države Predsjednik Jofroi poznat kao jedan od najiskusnijih kongresmena iz eSvijeta, ministra vanjskih poslova g. Wonka , trenutno DG PRO Sirius naroda i sedam vremenskom MVP-a, a Vladimir koji vodi glavnu vojnu postrojbu u eBelgiji i imaju neke vojno iskustvo.

Belgijska vojska definitivno nije najjača točka u zemlji . Iako su u ranim fazama imali mnoge velike zapovjednike kao što se vidi na wiki stranice. Imapar pristojnih boraca ,niski broj građana je takva da nije bio niti jak vojni ustroj , jer su se zalihe smanjile zbog proračunskih razloga .

Glavna eBelgijska vojska je belgijska nacionalna armija koja je službeno vojska od eBelgije skupa s belgijskom civilnom vojskom . Veliku pomoć dobivaju mlađi igrači kako bi im napredak bio što brži. Drugi MU-ovi su u vlasništvu građana, kao što je i nedavno privatni MU: Olympus Belgicae .

Iako nije agresivna nacija i obično prilično mirna zahvaljujući nedavnim vanjskih poslova radi u proteklih godinu prisutnost u Velikoj Britaniji i Poljskoj štiti svoju granicu, eBelgija nedavno je sudjelovala u nekoliko velikih ratova ( na našoj ljestvici ) koja su moldavski Aistrike protiv Belgije i Velike Britanije , sličnom napadu na Pakistan i trenutnom ratu Francuske protiv Velike Britanije , gdje eBelgija odlučila pokrenuti rat kako bi odvukla štetu Francuske.

S političkog gledišta, zemlja je trenutno podijeljena u tri frakcije, aktivnih igrača koji su vode državu neko vrijeme, oporbeni / PTO-eri koji je napravljen od oba eBelgijska igrača i stranih igrača uglavnom iz jugoistočne Europe koji raste kroz prihvaćanje novih igrača preko CS-a i na "neutralne" frakcija .

To je jednom rekao : "Ako želiš ići u zemlju za resurse otiđi u Poljsku , ako želite otići u drugu državu u susret velikih ljudi idite u Belgiju " ljudima kao što Jofroi , Misiz , g. Wonka , Mittekemuis , e Vladimir , ThomasRED i MaryamQ svi mogu posvjedočiti o tome. Naša zemlja je mala, trudimo se napraviti razliku u međunarodnom sustavu, podržati naše saveznike i napraviti nove saveznike.

To je sve za sad.

Hvala na pažnji.



English version:

The community of eBelgium has always been a really small community but its size has begin to decrease strongly since internal strugglesfor power that occured in 2011. Since then, the number of active players has strongly decreased and nowadays the number of really active players on a political point ofview is much less than the number of congress seats available for the whole country. Despite that relatively small community, the citizens of eBelgium have made strong ties with other neighbouring countries such as the United Kingdom(where several formers citizens have gone) or the Netherlands. Both countries have also "merged" with eBelgium during the early eRepublik days.

The most notable eBelgians to the international community are probably Mittekemuis, ThomasRed and MaryamQ who have all been several times country president of eBelgium. The three of them have incredible skills in négociations and they do know how to make friends accross the eWorld and keep good relations with most countries they dealt with.

Among the currently active eBelgians, the most notable citizens are the Country President Jofroi known as being one of the most experienced congressman of the eWorld, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Wonka, currently DG of the pro Sirius nations and Seven time MoFA, and e Vladimir who is leading the main Military Unit of eBelgium and have some military experience.

The Belgian army is definitely not the strongest point of the country. Although in the early stages they had many great commanders as seen on the wiki page. There are a couple of decent fighters, the low number of citizens is such that there haven’t been any strong military structure since the supplies were cut for budgetary reasons.

The main eBelgian Military Unit is the Belgian National Army which is the official Military of eBelgium as long with the Belgian Civil Army. The Awesome Boot Camp is used to help the new players to progress. Others military are owned by private citizens, such as the recent private MU: Olympus Belgicae.

Although not an aggressive nation and usually pretty peacefull thanks to recent Foreign Affairs works over the past year the presence of the United Kingdom and Poland protecting its border, eBelgium has recently been involved in several great wars (at our scale) that were the Moldovan Aistrike against Belgium and the United Kingdom, a similar airstrike done by the Pakistan, and the current war launched by France against the United Kingdom, where eBelgium decided to launch a war to disperse damage of France.

From a political point of view, the country is currently mostly split into three factions, active players that have been running the country for a while, the opposition/PTOers that is made of both eBelgian players and foreign players mostly from South Eastern Europe that are growing in size for a while through the acceptation of new players through cs and a “neutral” faction.

It was once said “If you want to go to a country for resources go to Poland, if you want to go to a country to meet great people go to Belgium” People Such as Jofroi, Misiz, Mr. Wonka, Mittekemuis, e Vladimir, ThomasRED and MaryamQ can all attest to that. Our country is small, we try to make a difference in the international scheme, support our allies and make new allies.

That's all for now.
