[MSZ/MoFA] A word for the Swiss citizens

Day 1,177, 04:33 Published in Poland Poland by Minister Spraw Zagranicznych

Artykuł jest adresowany do obywateli Szwajcarii, których spora część znajduje się obecnie w ePolsce (stąd publikacja w naszych mediach). Jego celem jest wyjaśnienie zaniepokojonej szwajcarskiej populacji co zaszło przed wyborami prezydenckimi (dlaczego naprawdę się nie odbyły) oraz jaki jest status ich regionów (zamierzamy je oddać, kiedy tylko trwająca obecnie wojna na to pozwoli -- kwestia krótkiego czasu). Pod artem można się spodziewać flejma i zwalania winy; polski Kongres jednak został o kwestii szwajcarskich wyborów poinformowany jeszcze przed rozpoczęciem kadencji obecnego rządu.


Hey, Switzerland,

You have been surely wondering what was going on, so I'll be quick and won't take too much of space in here. We are in touch with your authorities.

The answer to your first question, when the Swiss regions will be back again with their rightful owners, is simple and can be put into one wor😛 soon. We have no intention of playing occupants -- regardless to what the various sources say -- all of your regions taken by Poland will be returned. No precise timetable can be made atm due to the reasons which aren't ours to choose (the ongoing wars), so I can't give you an exact date (inb4 'forever', nope, it's rather a matter of days).

The answer to your second question, regarding why the presidential elections got screwed, is a bit longer. Before the elections, it was agreed that Germany would release one of your regions in order to let you vote and choose the president, providing the RW costs would be covered. There was no need for threats or blackmailing them; we suggested they let you vote, and they instantly agreed to release Graubunden. Not without some personal problems on the way, the RW was finally started.

It was however lost due to the behaviour of another one of your representatives, who started insulting the Germans via PM, going personal and RL. Germany changed their orders and as a result Switzerland didn't have the elections.

I won't make any comments on your internal situation or reveal names -- it is for you to judge, and your representatives know the person who they can thank for not having a possibility to vote. The previous Polish administration received "kind" words as well, so proof does exist.

We are sorry the mediations haven’t ended better. We are however working on ending the current war and returning your territory right as we promised.

Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs