[MoMC] An Announcement...

Day 1,763, 10:38 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Innocent Killer

Asslam o Alaikum
Dear ePakistani fellows, here is an announcement as Minister of Media & Culture...
"I will give 5 gold to 1 good written article".
You have time till 1770 game day.
You can select any category except trolling.
let me tell you as caution that i hate trolling.
Any article with offensive material against anyone will not count.
Only players who are not part of cabinet and below level 30 can take part in it.
Forgive me for any scholarly mistake, i am in a little hurry,i wrote as i have habit of writing in exam papers 😉 There will be many more competitions after this.
With Best Regards
Einstien Junior