[MoHA] Fighting guide

Day 904, 12:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
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Fighting is one of the main aspects of eRepublik. People fight for the honour of their country, for their allies, for the experience points for all of the above. In this article we will explain the basics of how to fight and how to fight well.

How to fight

Anyone can fight as long as:

There is a batle going on involving the country you are located in.
You are at least level 3.
You have at least 40 wellness.

http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3160/battlelist.png" width="450" height="300" />
click here for link

Before you fight you might notice several battles occuring at the same time. Which do you choose?

http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/3919/armyw.png" width="450" height="300" />
Click here for MoD orders

It is vital that you know which battles you should take part in before you fight, especially if there are multiple battles taking place. The Ministry of Defence's newspaper has up to date orders on which battle to fight in, so it is vital to subscribe to their newspaper.

How to fight well

You do more damage during each fight:

If your wellness is high.
The higher your strength is.
If you use weapons.
The higher your rank is.

http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/2510/wellness.png" width="200" height="300" />
Ideally your wellness should be above 90 before you start fighting. That way you get to fight 5 times before regaining your wellness (only if you are in London) as well as do more damage. As you need at least 40 wellness to fight, the amount of times you can fight will generally depend on your wellness at the start.

Wellnes between 90 & 100 - Fight 5 times
Wellnes between 80 & 90 - Fight 5 times
Wellnes between 70 & 80 - Fight 4 times
Wellnes between 60 & 70 - Fight 3 times
Wellnes between 50 & 60 - Fight 2 times
Wellnes between 40 & 50 - Fight 1 time

After you use the hospital to regain your wellness, DO NOT FIGHT AGAIN as you can only use the hosptal once in any given day (erepublik day).

For more information on how wellness works see our previous wellness guide here

http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/4/46/Training_grounds.jpg" width="450" height="400" />
You can increase your strength at the training grounds, by choosing one of 4 training programmes.

Standard training (cost: free): 0.04 strength increase
Advance training and strategy with Alexander the great (cost: 0.5 gold): 0.06 strength increase
Advance training and strategy with Caesar (cost: 1.0 gold): 0.08 strength increase
Advance training and strategy with Napoleon (cost 1.8 gold): 0.12 strength increase
(based on strength 4 or above)

http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/4691/marketplace.png" width="450" height="400" />
You are not required to use a weapon when you fight, but the higher the quality (more stars) weapon you fight with the more damage you will inflict.

eg. Wellness:100, Strength:5, Rank😛rivate
No weapon = 10.5 damage
Quality 1 (Q1) weapon = 25.2 damage
Quality 2 (Q2) weapon = 29.4 damage
Quality 3 (Q3) weapon = 33.6 damage
Quality 4 (Q4) weapon = 37.8 damage
Quality 5 (Q5) weapon = 42.0 damage

http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/322/rankom.png" width="550" height="400" />
As you fight more your rank will also increase and will enable you to do even more damage.

http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/4537/clipboard05k.jpg" width="600" height="400" />
Soon you too will be a legendary fighter.

Use the following damage calculator to see your current damage
CCCP group Battle Damage Calculator
Kavrocks Quick Battle Damage Calculator
Instant Battle Damage Calculator

Minister of Home Affairs