[MoFa]Awesome plans for March

Day 1,569, 02:38 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Hello again there,

I am delighted to say my search for helping hands has been a good one this month. Many people send in their application.

Needless to say that you are always welcome to join us if you wish to be part of the most awesome department there is.

click for more information.

May I present to you my awesome team:


Deputy Ministers:
Maestro_Matt & Geronte

Article writers:
... anyone of the envoys who like to publish MoFa related articles

Lily Jayne Summers
benni hill
David Sugar
Joseph Kelli

special advisor and helping hands:

Plans for this month:

Let me first explain my views on what MoFa stands for.
In my opinion foreign affairs has two major responsibilities, one is keeping diplomatic relations with all the eWorld(or at least as many as possible) and secondly informing its own citizens about what goes on in the world and without revealing sensitive information also explaining why certain decisions are made.
This month I decided that there will be a third part of my job that will be very important.
eUK is in desperate need for younger, less experienced people becoming more involved in cabinet work. Therefore I see it as my duty to train two deputies so they can become full Ministers after this term is over.

Structure of the department:

1.My boss:
* The big chief, AKA Talon Karrde decides what policy he wants implemented.

2. Task of the minister:
* Always be available for diplomatic missions
* Attending meetings with CP and VP and/or MoD
* Making a schedule for renewals of MPPs
* Writing general articles in the official Foreign Affairs newspaper to inform all citizens.
* Training deputies
* Motivating staff members
* Do all the stuff I ask my people to do

3. Task of the deputies
* Keeping me out of trouble
* Always be available for diplomatic missions
* Attending meetings but more in the background
* Help me write general articles in the official Foreign Affairs newspaper
* Help me with logistics, meaning mass pming if needed, making useful gdocs, etc
* Read the articles our envoys provide
* Also do the work our envoys do

4. Task of an envoy
* Reading the foreign press
* Reporting the most important articles on our forum
* Try and attend the IRC channels and forums of the assigned countries to make friends
* Attend a weekly meeting within the department for feedback

5. Task of a writer
* Either do the envoy task him/her self or read the articles the envoys provide
* Search for some more information if needed
* Interview people
* Write newspaper articles about eWorld events.

I hope this gives you an insight of what this department will be doing this term and if I had something to say about it all the terms...

Minister of Foreign affairs