[Ministry of Security] Party Elections

Day 1,211, 00:48 Published in Singapore Australia by scottty the NUKE

Dear eSingapore citizens,

Another elections another look out for PTOers.
So far we only have 1 random candidate one "Singapore Norsefire Party" (who has actually no one against him). So we have lost Singapore Norsefire Party to a random. O.o
Anyway, all elections are pretty much over before they began, since no one competed against all the candidates!

So I must say, easy elections this time.

Alright while I have your attention I would just like to announce my plans with Singapore Republican Party.
Rather simple actually, my aims are to increase activity and the number of people in the party. By this I will be inviting anyone to join me in my quest to up the activity in not just SRP but the whole of eSingapore.
Lets all get active and make our country more exciting!

Minister of Secucrity
Party President of SRP.