[Loathing] We are F**king Angry!

Day 2,147, 05:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr

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eUK, the mindless zombies of TUP have once again landed us with a sub par leader, incapable of providing us our daily lulz and baw. Lurking around in the land of 2-click, these monsters lurched from the dark and struck at our very heart, crippling our progress to a brighter eUK.

Must be election time...

To this eUK, I say no more, no more should we allow those 2 clicker to direct our elections, no more should we stand by and let minimal effort players take a major role in our future. Join me eUK in taking back our nation, fight with me and those, like me who can see this game for what it really is, a bit of fun to pass the time. Say YES to attempting the impossible, have courage in the face of danger, but mostly importantly have a smile upon your face.

I urge all players of the eUK to denounce the fake CP Bohemond4, brought to power on the wave of uninformed drone votes. Turn your back on them and march off in the other direction, chanting cries of 'WAR!', he may have the buttons, but it's us who hold the power! Make your voice heard, you are the active fighting population, you are the driving force of our nation, you should be telling the 'powers that be', how shit goes down...

Tell em eUK... grrrrr

Those of you in Congress, those of you sympathetic to the cause, you are the key. You are our button pushers. You are the real power brokers, never forget that the CP is subject to you, not the other way around. Take back your power, revolt against those that try to hold you back with sensible ideas and options, freely propose those Natural Enemies and let us write a new chapter in our history.

Our MU leaders, this is a time for you to shrug off those calls of incompetence, a chance for you to reclaim the eUK in your name. Do not allow this to pass you by. Step up to the mark, show not only the eUK, but the eWorld what it means to be an eUK MU! Your soldiers rely on you, allow the beasts to roam the battlefields in search of rank points and TP medals. Battle hardened troops, make a combat ready MU.

This is what you have at the moment... surely you want more?

Do not allow scaremongering of those who want to take us 2 steps back to put you off course, they will try everything to deter you from realising your potential. Threats of no TWO support will be drafted in, as well as comments about impenetrable shields, they will try everything to put a stop to our freedoms. Resorting to lies about the state of our treasury in an attempt to make people sit up and take notice of them. When this fails, they will move on to attacking citizens, claiming them to be dangerous individuals, terrorists if you will, they will try to frame you as a menace to our community and safety. They will attempt to turn us against each other, pitting eUKer against eUKer. This will serve as nothing but propaganda to keep you subservient to them. Let their pleas fall upon deaf ears!

This is our time eUK, so wave your hands in the air, like you just don't care!

Throw caution to the wind.


Better than working, training, Daily Order, log off... we deserve better than this!