[KING]The Laws of Gods and Men

Day 2,659, 11:11 Published in Belgium Belgium by Critically

Hello citizens of the Kingdom

Today is another great day in the history of the Monarchy. After weeks of hard work, a true loyalist and I managed to write a Monarchy Act and set up a new Royal Court.

Monarchy Act - URL
These are the laws of our Monarchy. As you may read, you’ll see that the Monarchy is an open institution, allowing common people to be part of it. This act also tells you how we are organized.

Royal Court - URL
This is an updated version of the Court of King Mr. Wonka I. It’s possible that you were part of his court but not in mine. If that’s the case, it most likely means that you’ve acted against the Monarchy and that you were branded as a traitor. However, you can regain our trust by fully supporting the Monarchy.


His Majesty, King Critically I.
King of the Flemish, the Walloons and the Bruxellois, Lord of the 10 Provinces and Protector of the Realm.