[jw] I'm running for President again.

Day 2,566, 21:43 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

I come today to announce glorious news. I'm running for President once again. This time, however, things are different. Due to the AirStrike/cluster raids of last month, this month we find ourselves with no Congress. Suffice to say, I for one am delighted. The one thing bigger than my moralfaggery, is my ego, and the opportunity to rule with awful impunity is quite simply, too much of a delicious opportunity to pass up. Literally the only thing which could make this more delicious, would be if BigAnt manned up and ran against me. Come at me AntBro.

During the coming days I'll be outlining my plans, which may or may not include emulating my absolute favourite super hero of all time after a few days of being in office. Suffice to say, my month will be one where I may do what I promised in these articles, unless something comes up. In which case, I may not. Regardless of the situation though, the one thing I can promise is a return to the glorious jamesw of old. With no congress, there is no need to moralfag. With the end of Keers and Moir, I also don't need to moralfag just to argue against their oppressive and elitist agenda.

To conclude, I am running for Prime Minister, I'm looking for cabinet members and a Deputy Prime Minister, PM me with what you can bring to my team, the information on roles is available below.

To everyone else, vote for me, blame me, i dont care as long as I get my medal and 5g.


- Deputy PM (2x) One to cover domestics and finances, one to cover defence and foreign affairs. Those with or without experience can apply. You'll be a sounding board for other Ministers to bounce ideas off, fill in gaps as/when ministries have events going on, and if necessary make decisions should someone be offline at a time of need.
- Minister of Defence (2x) Whilst each will be expected to cover all aspects of the role (organising national strikes, keeping orders updated, liaising with our allies in tandem with MoFA, each minister will select two areas to take overall responsibility for.
- Deputy Minister of Defence (1x) Basically a third wheel who will fill in gaps as/when needed, and take main responsibility for keeping Orders articles up to date and in the media.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs (2x) Both will be expected to spend the majority of their time liaising with allies, and if necessary rounding up potential favours or allies to help as/where necessary, as well as ensuring we have effective communication with all our allies. One will also be expected to take responsibility for world round ups every two or three days, outlining the wars that have gone on and any substantial themes within the international landscape. The other will be responsible for liaising with other ministries to help them communicate with their peers in allied nations to build up a nest egg of ideas and/or methods that will be published once a week, to offer inspiration for future Presidents, or Congress's to adjust the way our nation operates.
- Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (1x) As with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs someone to fill in the gaps as/when necessary.
- Minister of Finance (1x) A pretty easy job until the 27th at the earliest as we'll have no way of donating money until that point. The minister will be responsible for keeping our government and population up to date with the state of our economy, as well as investigating some ways to get more money in the hands of our citizens and building a budget for congress (should we get one) to pass judgement on, so I can ignore them and keep doing things the way I like to anyway). Will be expected to have loans for training grounds ready to run at a moments notice too.
- Minister of Home Affairs (1x) Running events or whatnot. Basically a nice guy who I can throw under the bus when we don't get a babyboom or more people die or stop playing.
- Minister of Aleks-style Propoganda/Secret Police Chief (9001x) Only the hilarious need apply.
- Minister of Media (1x) Will be running 'domestic orders' with some missions for people to have more than 3 clicks to work/train/collect and 27 clicks to fight and get their daily EB. More info on this released later.