[Irule4CP] Defence & PTO

Day 1,803, 18:39 Published in Australia USA by irule777
Irule777 for Country President, Defence & PTO Plans

Good Morning/Afternoon to all Australians. As you know this coming November the 5th, I’m running for country presidency. This country is facing an enormous amount of challenges this term and we need a strong government and team to deter them away. This is without a doubt going to be a difficult and challenging term. But I have the utmost confidence that we can and will prevail.

My Defence Plans

I honestly hoped to do a much better second article, but I’ve spent most of the day preparing for a hurricane and power outages and what not, so deal with this 😛

Our Defence has been lacking one major item for a while now and that’s organisation. I was talking to some people in #ausrep today and they brought up a good point for this. We don’t use our #Auswar anymore and coordinate any form of attacks. Nowadays we just start RW’s whenever and roll with them best we can with shouts. What kind of crappy planning is that? Coordination is the key to any war effort and me and my team will keep coordination of government, MU’s and the people in high priority through the term. We’ll use our channels, we’ll use supplying, shouts, messages and more to tell everyone what’s going on, when, and how. Like it should be (with citizen input of course).

Another big coordination problem we have is with allies directly. We don’t receive help sometimes because they are informed way too late that we have an RW going on. This is always a problem. If we plan out RW’s hours before we have a chance to go and request support and we may actually receive some from time to time, we certainly did this term for the few RW’s we had pre planned. Pre-planning and notification of allies is how you receive help. Not, “Oh hey we’re losing an RW 55 points to 3, care to come help now?”

Supplying is another thing to touch on. Supplying is always very helpful to any battle and you can see that from the battles we did supply this term. We won most of the rounds supplies were on (when we timed it and planned it) like we should. The real problem was that we had no one capable of supplying for a large part of the term and this is true for other terms as well. I couldn't get on when we needed it and start supplying, most of us never had access to what we needed to to do so. This term my plan is to have much more of my defence staff involved in supplying directly and having the knowledge to be able to supply when we need to and not when we don’t. Supplying during certain times is always key to a win and it’s something we forfeited a lot of influence on this term with having sluggish protocols and procedures for.

As I said I planned to have more here and include some more, but sadly nature must hate me.

I’m going to touch on PTO really quickly since PTO’s are always a very serious matter. One thing I want to stress is how I do plan to abide by the unity vote. We simply can NOT risk losing the last bit of Australia we control to some foreigners. During the term if I am elected though I can assure you we’ll definitely coordination ATO efforts with party elections and what not for the next month.

I plan to release my cabinet list as soon as I actually have a full one, so you know, keep applying please 😛

As for cabinet, I’ve worked hard to create a very diverse one with members from every party and one that I think everyone will be happy with. So don’t go crazy expecting to see people you all hate, relax.

Hurricane Sandy!
Who in the world names a hurricane Sandy? Anyways, I may be a bit inactive for anyone who cares, from Sunday to Tuesday due to power outages etc. We’ll be fine here, it’s not bad, just an annoyance. Thought I’d let you all know so you don’t freak out if I don’t post articles or don’t get on or something. If I have power I’ll be here.

Stay tuned for more articles, cabinet and more! Feel free to also shoot me messages and ask me questions.

Vote Irule777 for CP November 5th.