Помош ~ Help

Day 2,476, 06:30 Published in North Macedonia Serbia by N0XioUS

Здраво еМакедонци и еМакедонки,

Јас сум старо-нов играч..
Играва ја имам играно пред можеби 2-3 години, ама сега по инсистирање на еден мој пријател пак ја започнав оваа заразна игра 🙂
Играва е толку променета што едвај се снаоѓам.. другар ми ми рече дека треба само да вежбам и теретаните да ги кревам..

Теретаните сите ми се на q1.
Eве слика за доказ :

Нешто пари собрав сам,нешто од Voters Club, а нешто ми прати другар ми 🙂
Доколку сте во можност да ми донирате било колку би ви бил многу благодарен.
Секоја донација би била добредојдена.
Секоја донација ќе биде ставена во статијата.


Hello dear eCitizens

I'm kind of old-new player here..
I've played this game before two or three years, but now after the insistence of a friend I started playing again this infectious game 🙂
The game is so changed that I can barely make out ..my friend told me that I only need to train and upgrade the training grounds on discounts ..

All training grounds are on q1.
Here's a picture for prove :

I collected some money and gold by myself, something from the Voters Club and something from my friend who helps me a lot.
If you are able to donate anything, I'd be very grateful.
Any donation would be appreciated and every single donation will be posted in the article.

Thank you,

Donating list :
1. You have accepted 2.00 Gold from Not Specified.
2. VOIDOKOILIAS has transferred 1 Q1 Food to your storage.
3. bukesome has transferred 3 Q6 Weapons to your storage.
3. bukesome has transferred 50 Q2 Food to your storage.
4. The Black Rider has transferred 10 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
5. Mister Dynamic Shadow has transferred 10 Q5 Moving Tickets to your storage.
5. Mister Dynamic Shadow has transferred 10 Q7 Weapons to your storage.
5. Mister Dynamic Shadow has transferred 100 Q1 Food to your storage.
6. You have accepted 1.00 Gold from Anakin Skywalker MKD.