[GOVT] Harder, Better, Faster

Day 3,115, 06:27 Published in Ireland South Africa by Dante Boss

Citizens of Ireland,

The past month has been one that has taken the eWorld by shock and left many governments in tough situations. Strategy, coordination and ultimate cooperation was required on a national level across several battlefronts requiring resources to be spread thin and patience to be put to the test. Clocks and determination points were being watched from nearly up to five hours out to ensure a successful outcome for our nation. This was no easy feat and while we did not achieve an optimum outcome, we have achieved bonuses so far that are tremendously beneficial to our people and economy.

With one resource left for us to claim we have earned the following bonuses:

Food - 55%
Weapons - 50%

Out of these resources we've gotten one very rare and two rare resources which are difficult to achieve yet we have done so.

This great success wouldn't have happened without the work of everyone who came onto #IrishArmy and followed orders. Some individuals in particular need to be recognized for their incredible commitment to the cause: Sweet Drinker, MooMooHead, Don Croata, Irishbhoy1967 Lady Silver and FRITZHILL. Without the time they sacrificed and their financial donations, these results would not have been what they are and eIreland's economy would be a bastion of lost hope.

This event took a lot of attention and love for this game away from me and from my government who put any ounce of energy/interest into this tournament. We unfortunately had to neglect the community aspect of this game as we focused on securing a brighter future for eIreland. For this I apologise but I can sleep soundly knowing that what was best for eIreland as a State was our priority.

The next month will see things return to normal, community activity will be brought to the foreground as well as further investment into Irish Army logistics.

We have systems in place and without the event taking away resources - we will be able to ensure these systems can be tweaked to maximum efficiency and the country can become a force to be reckoned with.

Our military strength has increased by over 50% in the past few weeks, with greater focus on this and with several tanks across the eWorld showing interest in joining our community, our ability to perform on the battlefield will only heighten.

Our work is not done. It is only beginning.

Muchos Love,