[GGP] April Senate

Day 1,948, 07:32 Published in Australia USA by Majester

The Green and Gold Party have opened the polls to determine our Congress list order.

In the GGP, the Congress list is not determined by the Party President, but by the membership. Your position is not determined by favours to the Party President, nor by favouritism by the Party President. This is democracy and the GGP breath it. Every single member has a right to contribute and determine who our voice is in Senate.

I encourage you to log onto the forum now to help choose your representatives in Senate. They are:

Marin Valahul
Mr Crumpets
Pat McCrutch
Gordon Lightning
red back

Senators keep the government honest.
Senators make the rules by which your country runs.
Senators represent your voice in the little things.

Take care who you vote for - it affects everything.

But most importantly, Green and Gold Party believe awesome is as awesome does. We do. Others talk.

The world is changing; come change it with us.

Together we keep Australia moving forward towards a brighter tomorrow.

Just saying,

Survivor of Australia

TL😉R Support Green & Gold today and be a difference.