[真實] 外電:摩爾多瓦向前進from e摩爾多瓦unualibro (21期)

Day 1,745, 00:19 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by YomiYuri
[真實]外電:摩爾多瓦向前進from e摩爾多瓦unualibro (21期)



  I had to thanks author of the original article for translating this article into English. o7

  Until now, nobody has not written any article on the current situation of Moldova. I'm assuming the right to inform our people:


  After the initial removal of Ukraine - through military action by Russia, Bulgaria and Moldova - what followed was simply an expected action - counter attack of Ukraine. We have been wiped out from the virtual map. Nothing has been negotiated with Ukraine, and there is nothing to negotiate with Ukraine. Ukraine is and it will be a case of life and death for Moldova.


  Shortly after this deletion - Moldova being under occupation - Hungaru put the NE on Ukraine. The "removal" of Ukraine was facilitated also by a disastrous foreign policy. Instead of defending the country - Ukraine has consistently set the daily order on RWs open by occupied Moldova, thus falling into the trap. Pride and stupidity are expensive. During this period, Ukraine has not fought for its allies, not defended his country but had only one goal: keeping Moldova as much time under the occupation.


  In parallel, Russia has refused to give them back the conquered regions taken two weeks ago, unlike Bulgaria, who preferred to withdraw from the area to devote efforts to the campaign of Argentina (air strike). Bulgaria plans to move completely out of the Balkans.


  Ukraine was forced to fight on four fronts: Russia RWs, national RWs against Hungary, direct attack triggered by offensive of Hungary and the RW triggered by Moldova. Their priority was constantly Moldova RWs.


  Moldova is a small country. But salvation came from Romania, which - by signing a nonaggression pact with Serbia and Hungary - unleashed a Hungarian campaign against Ukraine. This was the key point for the success of Hungarian and - consequently - the liberation of Moldova. On the other hand, Romania's position was widely criticized by its EDEN allies.


  After signing the NAP (Serbia - Hungary - Romania), Moldova made one step further and signed a mutual protection pact with Hungary. Hungarian campaign was negotiated, coordinated bilaterally including the calendar of returning original regions.


  A life and death struggle for the liberration of southern Bessarabia lead to an impressive damage and hundreds of gold invested. The battle was decided after almost 20 hours of walking together, by the supporting units of Chile, who took in the last seconds D2 and D3, sending Ukraine in to the ring cords, breaking the direction to Chisinau and blocking the attack on the last region of Moldova ( Chisinau) until the entry into force of the MPP with Hungary. It was the crucial moment of the campaign and the moment when we knew Moldova will not be wiped out and it will have a Congres this month.


  Subsequently, the last attack lead by Ukraine on Chisinau, it was only the swan song of a defeated state. Morally down, lacked of external support (too many mistakes against its allies) Ukraine failed.


  Result: Ukraine has been defeated. Moldova won.


  What next? Neither Hungary nor Russia is willing to leave Ukraine. This can only make us happy. Regions of Moldova will be returned by the Hungarians after Congressional elections. Last region: Northern Bessarabia, will stay a few days under Hungarian occupation. It's not a secret that the president of Moldova and the MoFA team decided that Hungary shall receive the bonus offered by NB in exchange for the support given, for up to seven days after liberation of Moldova.


  Long term? Nothing is carved in stone in eRepublik. All states are undergoing a rapid process of reconfiguration of alliances, forced by the changes introduced by Plato. And this dynamic does not seem to be ending soon. The fact is that - once released from the chains Ukraine will unleash on Moldova with all hate.


  And Moldovan leadership has to think about solutions that Moldova - even will be deleted - to keep chances of returning as he did now. It's not about damage but to think - strategically, pragmatically - to plan what to do.


  We didnt won because we were stronger.
  We won because we played smart and we had friends.

  So we must continue.



  I say hello in this way to my faithful readers google translate from Kiev.

  Moldova moves ahead! o7




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