***Free Q5 Weapons!!!!

Day 1,225, 21:33 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus
There will be free guns, just read on.

In Response to this sad little article.

Lets just call a spade a spade. Janos Leinport Killed the DAL...for now. Everyone can say what they want about CPP and M00 being involved(Dont shoot me Rylde lol), but when it comes right down too it, Janos is the person you can thank, thy nail in the coffin.

I want to express that I was never truly a fan of The DAL. I always thought of them as this old ass party that would never go away, always thinking "just die already FFFFFFFFFFFuuuuuuu" lol. With that being said, I have always held a certain respect for them, especially when it came to CP elections(sorry but your congress showing was mediocre at times, even with your large numbers). I had a respect for them, because it takes alot of work and skill to become the largest party in eCanada, and even more so to sustain that status for the amount of time they did.

It takes no skill or class to kill party that never truly wanted to die. When Janos realized he couldn't pull off a good congress election, he put blame on Scorpius, which is funny because anyone who has played with scorp, knows that his political knack was never in congress(from what I rememeber anyways), it was always CP elections.

While I dont agree with Chochi on a shit load of things, especially his forum shenanigans, I believe what he said in the comment section of that free food article should be heard.

"Alright folks, as you enjoy your stolen food remember three things:

1) Well, it's stolen. Janos is rage quitting harder than I've seen anyone in a while. While he may think the DAL is dead there are many in the party that disagree and would like to have or orgs back, including this one with our (former?) official newpaper. But we'd also like the money and items back that are meant to be used for charity not given away to people willing to lie to get food. Not that I blame you guys. I was thinking of doing it too just to get some of our food back.

2) A lot of people spent a lot of time working hard in DAL companies to make these products or making the money that they then donated to the DAL Charity, the funds of which are being used to fund this "giveway" rather than helping those who need it most. You owe all of them, including many non-DALers who appreciate the good work that the DAL Charity has done and have donated accordingly, a little thanks when you eat this food.

3) Finally, and perhaps most importantly, ENJOY IT! I mean it! Eat to your hearts content and fight for Canada, do some damage, rank up a little! The DAL Charity is designed to help Canadians and while we have tended to focus on those most in need, new players just starting out and confused about the game and its mechanics, its goal is to improve Canada. So, yes, feel free to do what Janos has asked. Say the lie, take the food; we'd rather you have it than he! It may not have been planned for the DAL Charity's funds to be used this way but we can see this giveaway as positive, even if done in a massively juvenile and distateful manner. I don't mind, Scorpius certainly doesn't mind, the DAL doesn't mind. We won't let Janos stop us from helping eCanada!

Oh, there's one last thing I forgot. I want you to keep one last thing in min😛 nobody can kill the DAL. We're still here, maybe not in one piece but we're getting there, and we're still helping make Canada a better place to be.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly, the DAL Industries Org (alas, one of the few I know is safe) or just about anyone in the DAL (I can't vouch for everyone, unfortunately). You can find is in the party called, at least momentarily, Scorpius Killed the DAL. How drole.

Oh, and if you want to fight back against bullying, please join us at least under April 15 when we elect someone who will change our name back. Your symbolic gesture will show Janos that these childish tactics should stay in the school yard. Together let's take a stand and say, Janos, grow up!

Well said in my opinion. Although I am in MDP, a party that is probably on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum in regards to DAL, I still like to call out the bullshitters form time to time.

Anyone who agrees with me, Post Janos Killed The DAL in the comment section, Sub me, and by tommorow morning(sorry out of guns right now) you shall recieve 1 Q5 weapon Compliments of myself.

Disclaimer: For the people who posted and recieved free food on the article listed above, dont even think about posting here. I know who you are(I wrote all of you down before posting this article), and if it were up to Santa Clause, you would be getting a nice large lump of Coal. Which means not that many people will actually be getting my guns.

PS: Whats an article without a couple of hot chicks.