[FR-MoFA] Latest news [EN]

Day 4,573, 04:10 Published in France France by Diplomatie Francaise

→Le Mercredi 27 Mai, soit le jour 4571 de l’eMonde, la Présidence de la République eFrançaise Koinmuniste a publié un nouvel article de presse. Nous allons ici, offrir un cours résumé, traduit en anglais, pour nos camarades internationaux.

On Wednesday May 27, Day 4571 of the eWorld, the French Koinmunist Republic published a new press article. Here we are going to offer a short course, translated into English, for our international comrades.
►President's speech

«My dear fellow citizens,
The situation is serious. It's the war. Not the little training wars we've had for months, but like, the real war. For several days, our enemies have reached our territory, emptying our wine reserves and eating our salted butter caramel.»

«But from the first day, our brave soldiers and tanks never stopped fighting the Bulgarian, Serbian or Spanish invader ... yes, no, the Spanish tried to invade us but we had to remind them that they were not being tough. They were forced to call their Polish friends to not be wipe them ... Anyway, the Spanish ...»

«On my enlightened advice, our very effective Minister of National Defense, Riemann, masterfully guided our defense policy for the national territory and Ultramarin. In these dark hours, most of our territory is occupied by the enemy, but we will do everything in our power, with our Code allies, to slow them down and repel them when the time comes.»

«We lost our TWs abroad. Switzerland, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. But we are currently working, with our Saudi ally, to re-open a training war on their territory.»

«But do not fear my fellow citizens, we will NEVER leave the honor to our enemies to see us waving this famous white flag which is so dear to their ignorant hearts. Even when busy, we will continue to defend our interests and fight.»

«Long live the republic, long live eFrance!»

►Diplomatic Point◄

→In accordance with discussions with the congress, the government to offer partner countries the possibility of severing trade ties. The aim of this maneuver is to free the partner countries from the resources we no longer have, and to continue to maintain good diplomatic relations with them.

→At Code, the boycott of the packs is still ongoing despite the recent updates from Plato. These updates clearly do not meet the expectations of Code members who initiated the boycott. It therefore continues with growing fervor and its impacts are becoming more and more visible.

►Military Point◄