Day 2,179, 18:32 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Greetings Bros,

For today's article I will be writing about the RL history of Easy Company, the meaning of the motto, and giving a brief update about whats gone on the last week.

Easy Company was formed as part of the 506th PIR, an experimentsal airborne regiment created in 1942 at Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Easy Company soldiers would be expected to parachute from C-47 aircraft over enemy controlled territory, World War II would be the first conflict during which the United States would test this strategy. Easy Company would serve in some of the most important battles and operations of World War II, including D-Day and the battle of the Bulge.

The AIRBORNE ASSAULT into Normandy as part of the D-Day Allied invasion of Europe was the largest use of airborne troops up to that time. Paratroopers of the U.S. 82d and 101st Airborne divisions, the British 6th Airborne Division, the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, and other attached Allied units took part in the assault. As part of the 101st division Easy Company dropped behind German lines and was given the task to and clear any obstacle around "Causeway 2", a pre-selected route off Utah Beach.

Another of Easy Companies more famous engagements was that of the battle of the Bulge, the last major German offensive of the war, during which Allied lines were pushed back in the region of the Ardens forest, making the line look as if it had "bulged". During this time Easy Company was defending Bastogne as part of the 101st Airborne Division and with Combat Command B of the 10th Armored Division. By 21 December the Germans had surrounded Bastogne, leaving the soldiers terribly under supplied. They lacked proper winter clothing, ammunition and medicine. Despite this Easy Company and the 101st held the line until reinforcements arrived commanded by general Patton. Despite the hardshiips facing them Easy Company and the allies held firm and Hitlers last gambit to win the war was ultimately crushed.

Which brings me to Currahee, the motto of Easy Company. In Cherokee it is said to mean stand alone, as Easy Company did many times. Under the command of their notoriously strict commander Herbert Sobel Easy Company would make many runs up Currahee mountian, three miles up and three miles down. Due to their intense training Easy Company was regarded as one of the most well trained company's.

So whats happened in the last week?
Well we ended up first in kills and second in damage in the weekly competition, making a grand comeback against the usmil who had a 6k lead late in the week. It was a load of fun and we salute the other military units of the US for helping make it fun with their competition. EZC would also like to recognize the efforts of Zetyro and Trekker Tlumak. The first for providing an astonishing number of kills and damage in the competition, and the second for the competition that he hosted out of his own good will. Below you can see Trekker's post about the competition results in the forum.

1st place: 4 gold and 25 tanks
2nd place: 3 gold and 25 tanks
3rd place: 2 gold and 25 tanks
4th place: 1 gold and 25 tanks
5th place: 25 tanks and a super-duper pat on the back Basketball
I figure it gives you guys a reason to beat up on bad guys a little more. Twisted Evil

Your Captain,

Results: Great job yesterday troops! We definitely raised the body count. We had over 6,000 kills and 240 million in damage as a regiment. I am freaking proud of you guys! I issued a challenge and you rose to it. As promised…
Here is the list of kills in order:

DoomsdayStorm 1215
Mitron1 846
Trekker Tlumac 738
Wipsy 385
Predil 376
Vegeterian 341
Jmarsh98 315
Sheppherd 283
RandomJ 274
Stylez of roman 268
Sheri 236
Citizen Field 174
SheHawk 163
LuckyNumber85 146
SempreNox 137
Imperialfez 136
The-Economist 126
Hannibal Norman Bates 75
Ipoop 62
SpongePoP 41
Magnus Maximus 28
Dusty Rhodes 32
James F. Robert 27
DanPMK 25
Salinger 25

The original prizes only covered the top five kills. Turn out for the competition was great though. I know a lot of people used a lot of energy and Epsilon did send over 1000 Q3 to hand out. Well I know it is not much, but I am going to match that donation of food and disperse it. 1-5 kills will get the prizes originally stated. 6-10 will each get 400 Q3 food. I will start sending out the prizes as soon as I posted. Thanks for a great day! celebrate celebrate celebrate

1. DoomsdayStorm 1215
2. Mitron1 846
3. Wipsy 385
4. Predil 376
5. Vegeterian 341
6. Jmarsh98 315
7. Sheppherd 283
8. RandomJ 274
9. Stylez of roman 268
10. Sheri 236

Fighter numbers:
We had a total of 25 fighters,
17 fighters went over 100 kills,
11 went over 230,
7 went over 300,
3 went over 700
and even one went over 1000 kills....

Thats it for now EZC, keep kicking ass and taking names out there

Here are some helpful links for anyone interested in learning more about Easy Company.

egovforyou statistics on EZC
The Easy Company Forum
The Easy Company Wiki

And of course our application link. Easy Company is currently only accepting players that are exceptionally active, all others will be placed on a waiting list.