四月移民局成立公告/Establishment of ECID of April

Day 2,359, 07:48 Published in China China by eChina Congress




成员:TSZ25769257 Namewee
义工:Kris Tine


另 招募移民局苦力若干:

Kris Tine (国会秘书thewey代行)

We are here to announce the establishment of eChina Immigration Department of April.

The two immigration officers, TSZ25769257 & Namewee, will be responsible for processing the CS applications and arranging interviews for certain applicants.

For details of applying CS, please refer to the following article:
[eChina Immigration Dept] Updated eChinese Citizenship Act

If you have any query after reading the above article, you are welcome to approach our immigration officers as well as the members of the Office of Congressional Affairs, including Kris Tine, WangMark and thewey.

Speaker of eChina Congress in April
Kris Tine