[eIrish Finance] update 1

Day 3,062, 13:07 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

Hello, I'm Sweet Drinker, and everyone wants me to be your MoF!
Well… probably not everyone, but:

So to those that do not recognize my posting as MoF, I’ve always considered state financial assistance program participation to be optional. I fully recognize your right to not take part. 😉

Anyway… on with the report:

The previously appointed MoF has declared herself to still be under the mandate of the Dictator. I declined to question how the MoF was under the mandate of the dictator instead of the CP, and instead pursue the reported chain of command. Nogin informed me that their was no MoF and she was witholding all orgs from the newly elected government.

Report: Control of the national treasury is presumably seized by Nogin the nog.

Prognosis: I’ll worry if she starts launching trollposals with it. Otherwise irrelevant.

Report: Nogin claims to be in control of all state orgs and refuses to reliquish them.

Prognosis: Orgs do not constitute a major component of my finance strategy. Her seizure shouldn’t cost eIrish citizens more than 100k per term. Orgs have produced no revenue for eIreland in several months.

Report: Four months ago the administration inherited ~500,000iep from the preceding manager Don Croata. I did not have the foresight to track the Bank’s activity during this time. However, I can confirm that the Bank was taken off the open trading market and presumably all revenue generation mothballed for the last 2 months at least. This was reported to be a defensive manouevre against a possible MTO. This explanation is illogical unless the the MoF suspected the CP to be involved in the MTO plot. An MTO revolution defaults assets to the CP, who has 10days to secure the national capital at that point.
Tactical dispersement was watched by many parties over the course of the war and none have estimated total government expenditure above 100k iep. The eIrish finance ministry essentially declined to participate in the Lithuanian war. The vast majority of both the initial 500k, and any accrued revenue over the 4 month period is presumably in a, or some, players’ accounts.
As this reserve was not dispersed during the occupation or during the liberation. Nor is it being employed for revenue generation. Or funding any major social programs, the potential intended uses of that reserve are limited.

Prognosis: there are a limited number of applications for a national reserve, and the previous administration has declined most examples. The behaviour of the national capital makes no sense from a financial or military perspective. Leaving political motivation as the obvious conclusion for any investor to draw.

Interpreting the behaviour of eMoney is my trademark, years of eIrish war have been financed on the back of my forecasts. Your national reserve is showing many worrying indicators.
The most logical explanation for the behaviour of eIreland’s national reserve over the past 2 months is that it is now a tactical weapon for the purpose of protecting the administration’s control of eIrish leadership.
The most likely way for the eIrish citizens to ever see the current reserve is to see it spent hiring soldiers to fight against eIrish citizens. Your taxes will be used to suppress your community.
While sad, this is to be expected from bureaucrats.
More disappointing is the 500,000iep donated to the outgoing administration, by one of our greatest allies, for the purposes of liberating eIreland during the allied operation. Virtually none of which was spent, yet only 200k returned. Leaving ~250,000iep of foreign aid money in a personal account. 250k is not very influential in a serious campaign. It is really only constitutes a recognizable political tool.
This money would also expect to be employed, by the out-voted administration, against any perceived domestic disobedience.
