[真實] 兩則外電:分級更新抱怨和e愛爾蘭社論/ Wild Rooster & Malbekh (05期)

Day 1,685, 04:38 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by YomiYuri
[真實] 兩則外電:分級更新抱怨和e愛爾蘭社論/ Wild Rooster & Malbekh
[Truth] Two foreign news: complaint of division upgrade & analysis of eIreland


  Attention: The newspaper's translation is from my broken translate, people who use English please forgive me. XD


[Admin, your DIVISION UPGRADE killed me!] from eIran Wild Rooster
【管理員!你的分級更新害死我了!】from eIran Wild Rooster

  This is an original text with the same resentment with me (But I don't care the BH): http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/admin-your-division-upgrade-killed-me--2072130/1/20

  I really don't understand why admins divided war actions by xp not by str or military rank!
  I always fight so much and my eat food timer never stop and it make me 31 xp but cause i have not strong economy , my str is low!
  with this idiot idea of admins i should fight in div 3 but i can't get Bh cause of my low STR.
  I just hope to fight lesser to delay going in Tank divisions! it's just i can do...
  admin ...your division upgrade killed me!
  please edit your upgrade!!!

  因為我的沒有強大的經濟能力、力量很低,所以我總是要消耗很多擊發數並且等待吃包的計時器從未停止、還讓我得到31經驗!(編按:make me 31 xp的意思我想是原作者抱怨自己成長很慢還得到這麼多經驗、讓他得往更高的階級靠近)

[Ireland is Boring] from e Ireland Malbekh
【e愛爾蘭很枯燥】from e Ireland Malbekh

Original article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/ireland-is-boring-2071810/1/20

  Yes, well the title is just to get your attention isn't it? But of course, you tuned in just to see exactly what the article was about, to disagree or agree and maybe have a rant.
  But you have to agree, Ireland is a pretty dull place at the moment, boxed in as we are by a perfectly understandable peace treaty, a couple of MPP's and the only obvious route of fun having been unsuccessfully tried a month ago,


  So, we can do two things. We can sit around and wait for things to happen which effectively means we are no longer in control of our affairs. Or. We can do what we're good at, go out and have some fun somewhere, preferably at the expense of some boring and very dull nation.*
  But wait. Before you can say 'jump-on-the-band-wagon', we'll be getting our asses handed to us again by some non-entity. So we have to prepare first. This is actually what this article is about. Really. The recent game modifications in the military module are not just the splitting of battlefields by divisions, it also includes the game-changer we now know as rockets.
  These game changes are as usual, more beneficial for the larger countries than the smaller ones, owing mostly to having larger resources. But it can also be used by smaller countries that are better organised.
  Ireland is not particularly well organised. Oh, we have a support system that may be the envy of other countries, but we have a big problem in that for a country of our size (234 in the last congress elections, so say ~250) we have too many military units.


  Yep, that's right. We don't have room for 5+ MU's each claiming to fight for Ireland but actually following their own personal mantras and legacy politics.
  My suggestion is simple. Bootcamp is perceived to be neutral and an honest broker. BC should be kept but given exclusivity to all new recruits. Recruits that join other MU's should be politely told to join BC. Now they can stay if they want to, but it should be made clear that BC will provide up to 1000 wellness of food to all recruits that fight.
  Bootcamp should take responsibility for Divisions 1 & 2, and will coordinate with the the other MU's in the DO's that suit our nation's interests.
  I don't think anyone would have a problem with that.

  新兵訓練營會負責D1和D2的火力,同時也會在符合國家利益的前提下,與其他軍團合作發布軍令。(編按:更新:經指證為Daily orders)

  What people may have a problem is my next suggestion. We should either create two new MU's or else keep two of the top four and cull the remaining two. One will comprise of Division 3 fighters, and the other, Division 4. Now this could be the ICA, the IA, Libertad or Labour's Army. It doesn't really matter. What counts is that each MU is tailor-made to extract the maximum advantage that the military module allows.
  Controversial? Sure? Workable? Unlikely. But let's face it, the current MU's are not offering anything exciting or particularly organised. I've just gone through all the MU chat feeds, and it's pretty dull people (yes, I know you have uber fun on IRC but it is indicative of how bored we all are).

  這有爭議嗎?確定嗎?是否可行?──不可能的。但讓我們面對它!(因為)目前軍團們並沒有提出任何可激勵人心的或者有組織的(方案)。我只是一個剛剛經歷過所有軍團的無聊人士(編按:請求chat feeds的中文翻譯怎麼翻比較好)。(是的,我知道你們都很樂於上IRC,但這是一個我們多無趣的指標)

  But wait! There's more. I am also suggesting we set up an elite unit. A rocket brigade. Obviously, to join you need to have that fully-charged article. But these guys will be the ones that make or break battlegrounds. Makes sense to keep them all together. It also would appeal to all the egos out there to be seen as they very gods they emulate to be.
  So what we have is a very efficient military force, without political baggage, with the one unwavering intention to unleash hell and chaos. Oh. Having a lot of fun while we do it.

  但、等等!這裡還有更多!我同時也支持我們成立一個菁英部隊。一個火箭部隊!顯然地,你需要更強而有力的文章來招生。 (編按:這句話的意思我不是很明瞭,如有錯誤煩請指正。)那些傢伙將製造或者破壞戰場。讓那些人在一起是很有意義的。並且也可以吸引那些自我主義者,因為他們(火箭隊)很神、讓他們想要模仿。

  Now. Ha! Ha! I don't think there's any chance that this could happen. I don't think there's any chance that all the egos around would actually work and cooperate with each other for the benefit, glory and fun or our little ecountry.
  But this article might. Just might. Get you lazy bored feckers thinking!


  *I have not mentioned Canada or Sweden in this article
