[Dental Corps] Statement regarding eBelgium.

Day 2,124, 05:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Vagabonds

Dear Belgium,

We write this letter to you today to explain away some of the misconceptions regarding the eUK/eBE war spread around by your Government. It's been stated that eUK undertook the wiping of you on the orders of TWO. This is simply not true. TWO couldn't give a monkeys about you...

Your alliance and your Foreign Affairs ministers have sold you down the river.
Many mistakes have been made lately by those in charge of your community. eFrance have been MPP'd, you sign'd protection treaties with PTO'd countries, dragging you into front line wars you have no need to get into. They have even tried to make out like this is 'act of aggression' is all about the planned AirStrike on Slovenia. This is simply not true. We have more pressing matters than a failed attempt at AS'ing...

... that'll steal your treasury.

eUK and eBelgium go way back, our history and communities are interconnected, once upon a time we even had a union between our two nations (think GerMark, only better). We've never stopped looking out for our waffle-eating friends. So when we stare across the English Channel and see your country under threat of PTO by nefarious forigs, we can't stand by and do nothing.

Pretty sure they just stupid...

So until you can get your country back under control we will be doing our best to protect you. We will be denying you Congress for the foreseeable future. Until you can get your top 5 parties in order and protect those citizenship passes, we won't be trusting you with them.

We are doing this for your own good eBelgium...

Lots of love and kisses.

Royal Army Dental Corps
(Supreme Leaders of the eUK)

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