
Day 1,000, 02:23 Published in China China by Crematory_Ns


我是一个出生于D898的新人,嗯~一直是个安分守己的EC好公民,没想到竟然走上了叛逃的道路= =

New Citizen Message
Proposed by St Krems, 2 days ago

Do you agree on the text used by the president to welcome new Citizens in your country?' Welcome to America
My friend, you have just embarked on the most exhilarating journey of your life. eRepublik is a game where the only restriction is yourself. It's kind of like D&D for people who don't like to dress up like nerds.
Here's a few quick tips to help you succee😛
-Read the eRepublik wiki. Learn about how the game works and about our history.
-Get a job, make money, buy food. Without food, you'll die, and if you die in the game you die in real life. I am not joking.
-Read the media often
-Subcribe to:
The Department of Defense Orders,
my newspaper
The Pony Express for important orders and news
-Join the US forums
-Enjoy yourself. Or don't, who cares.
With these tips, I think that you'll be off to a good start, if you have any questions, please send me or any other prominent person that attracts you a message, or if you're ~shy~ fill out
this small form. Most of us are fairly friendly.

May Dio's Grace be with you
Your dear leader,
-St Krems '




