[CP] What Oinyo is up to... Day 2,029

Day 2,029, 06:45 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Day 2,026 = http://goo.gl/mIm3M
Day 2,027 = http://goo.gl/f4yml

Please note things will be added through the day.
Conversations and advice from everyone is HIGHLY welcome

In the face of a failing country. The party that tries to take down another instead of band with them to overcome the oppressor is just as bad if not worst then the oppressor ~Oinyo

8AM - Logged in and started reading mails.
- Talks in IRC with ASGARD leadership. This is ongoing

9AM - Still talking with ASGARD in IRC about COT and how to free eCan. A few possible plans are being hatched
- Informed CCY that the eCan poll asking players to pick from staying in ASGARD or moving to COT ends this Wed.
- Sent a mail to all MU commanders in eCan to ask them to spread the links around their MU's to ensure as many people as possible fill out the survey

10AM - Talked with the think tank to get the ball rolling on the survey. This WED when the results come in I would like that to be the main focus.

- Finally finished up replying to all the mails to come in... for now
- Working on plans with my cabinet in preparation of the poll results so as soon as we find out what eCan wants we can start going down one of the 2 paths without any delay.
- Working on strengthening our relations with other countries
- ASGARD reps (all of them) are now going to added to all eSpain talks. I want them to know our situation and to assist in the talks. They are 100% on board with this and we are hoping to see increased results.

11AM - Working on improving our Flyers to make them more catchy and Canadian.
- Figuring out a good tome to go to the college to place some flyers up.
- Creating a rough draft of the baby boom instructions for those that will be helping out. After lunch an article should be created.

1PM - 3PM = Meeting with MOD,dMod,MoFa,HoK and other countries CP's and MoFa,s to discuss activities.
- The funding of our citizens fighting in eCanada battles will resume. Info will be in the next MoD paper release.
- We are getting more help now from other countries. This wil replect in our RW attempts.
- more to come as these talks are still ongoing

4PM - The chats continue with ASGARD. Mainly friendly banter at this point.
- The MoD's release the Battle orders

5PM - baby boom program all set up. ETA to launch. Tomorrow 🙂
- My email box is overflowing. Taking time to read and reply

6PM - Talks with Italy. This is an important conversation with our MoFa and HoK.
7PM - Still talking with Italy and the cabinet. The rep from Italy had to go to bed but we should have a NPP pack soon with them or France. Whoever comes first (Both are on the list)
8PM - Talking to the Mofa about backup plans.... Everything is going well
9PM - talking to the people and sittin gin the eCan as well as the supply channel taking and answering question.
- Flashgun has just donated 500 Q7 tanks towards the eCan supply fund! eCan thanks him greatly 🙂

10 PM - Still in IRC talking and answering the people.