[CP] Victory!

Day 2,365, 10:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens of eNetherlands,

We have reached the number of 7 regions under our control, 4 core regions and 3 occupied Norwegian regions.

This is a great achievement to have especially for a small country consisting of 315 Active citizens.

Both sides has fought well, Norway managed to strike back retaking regions we have captured and marched on Northern Netherlands but we have quickly recovered and repelled the attack on the Eastern Netherlands which would see us wiped if lost. From that our Resistance Fighters had recaptured the North and from that we started the relaunch invasion of Norway retaking Vestlandet. After Vestlandet we marched on taking over Oslandet and finally finishing the campaign with a victory in Sorlandet ending our Natural Enemy.

Also to extend our regions Poland has released Western & Southern Netherlands as they took over Trondelag & Nord-Norge.

We end this long month campaign with a Victory!

Whats Next
With this war ending and out the way we will be able to other plans such as our regeneration of Government/Army newspapers, articles & graphics

Including more fun competitions hosted by Ministry of Trout and also all Netherlands citizens are welcome to fill out the You Tell, We Did form giving suggestions to the Government which is like the People is in control! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-moi-jij-zegt-wij-doen-you-tell-we-do1-2398110/1/20

Hail Netherlands!

Arcanic Mindje
President of Netherlands

Vice President of Netherlands

Vice President of Netherlands