[CP] NoTie IV: It's almost done.

Day 2,502, 10:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens,

We can be proud of our little nation, which just has elected it's Congress. This time with the amount of 40 seats each fully independent country deserves, instead of the 20 we do have usually. It satisfies me to see that we still have the activity and enthusiasm to actually fill these numerous seats. Most presidential terms are known for to be sleeping after the congress elections, as new presidential candidates turn up and execute their terms. This won't be the case in NoTie IV, as there's much left to be done.

We've achieved great progress in our international/foreign affairs, greater things than one could realistically could expect from an assumed little country to achieve in the time span of just a few weeks. Our greatest achievement has been our participation in the ''NSPP vs. Asgard war'', which has not only allowed us to sign Mutual Protection Pacts with four of the most powerful nations in the eWorld (USA, Chile, Turkey & Poland) and conquer vast areas and wipe an entire country, but has also made our relations with the other NSPP countries more than excellent and has given the NSPP Pact an actual meaning. These facts are a relief in the ever-changing geopolitics of the world and the current reshuffle of alliances.

Currently we're seeking a diplomatic solution to end our conflict with Norway. Why we might be enemies on the battlefield, as little nation we are sympathetic to their independence. We've already ensured they ended up with a Congress this month, and soon we will give them back their entire country in an orderly manner. With the changing balances of power in the world it's a wise thing to show respect to both friends and enemies alike.

Domestically, there's much left to be desired however. The Ministry of Home Affairs will need to adjust the immigration protocols, as many deemed to be necessary lately. Not to mention the rewriting of our constitution seems to have been ceased and could use a kick-start. The Ministry of Defence has started several promising projects (like the DAF Mobile Corps), which need to be tested and finalized. And the Ministry of Recruitment will need to show its face around more for the remainder of the term.


Kind regards,

President of the eNetherlands,