[CP] My Sincere Thanks

Day 1,660, 20:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by Winston Hope Smith

Hi Collogues, Comrades and Citizens

You have voted in record numbers and elected me as your Country President.
This has humbled me. While I have strived for this for some time I also am humbled by my election. Not only is now Big Brother watching over me but also the populace of eIreland. I got a lot of messages so support today and way too many to answer them all in a timely fashion. I am sorry about this and am working my way through them.

I first would like to pay tribute to my opponent, now MoFA, Ethel Rosenberg. When first we realised we were running against each other we agreed to keep this election honest and straight. This deal was honoured. We chatted most nights on how our respective campaigns were going. I feel I got to know and like Ethel. She, and eIreland, did not deserve the attempt to buy our votes and I only can hope the result is a true and fair reflection of our Citizens choice.

Today has been a very busy day for me and I want to share some of the decisions made.

First off I have decided the best course of action is to honour the agreement we have with eUK. I know this is not popular with some of our citizens and I feel your pain but the alternative should be considered when making a best "bad" choice. This next month is shaping up to be a difficult one and the last thing we need is another unstable border. I see some eIrish fighting against the eUK in Dublin and I appeal to you to use your valuable damage elsewhere

I have appointed my Vice CP Beanandteddy as liaison with Congress. I have done this in an attempt to improve the communications between Congress and the Executive. We will, wherever possible, try get notice before a proposal is to be moved by a Government Department. I have also noticed Congress has no elected CC this month and Beanandteddy will also work with Congress to correct this. This will take a couple of days to get up to speed so I ask our Congressmen to be patient a little longer.

But this game is not all about MPPs, Battles, Proposals etc.

Its also about Community!

A lot of people seem to have an issue with our National Forum and expressing a preference for Marcus's or the older Kolshire version.
It is the intention of this Government to hold a referendum giving choices and letting the people decide which forum will, once and for all, truly become our National Forum.

Next Sunday at 7:45gmt is Ireland v Croatia as the 2nd game in group C. With all the Croatians that have made eIreland their home I feel it would be nice if those of us too geeky to go to the pub and who are going to watch this game at home and would like some banter...lets make an occasion and get on IRC. for fun and chat.

Finally a question for you the readers.
Do you think a eIreland Podcast is a viable option. The idea I have is that it will be open to all to submit audio for inclusion. This can be News, Interviews, Comment, Satire (or some silence from Minister Kurgan) whatever you wish...
Do you have the interest to be the programme host?
Please leave you thoughts both positive or negative in the comments section

Until next time