[Congress: 17/04] Defence Bill

Day 3,070, 10:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

A New discussion article for another fourty-eight hours.

Defence and Foreign Affairs Committee

In the recent election, the results were as follows:

Huey George: 13 votes

CheetahCurtis: 11 votes

KaptenJohnson: 11 votes

jamesw: 9 votes

Aleks Popovic: 4 votes

Therefore Huey, Cheetah and Kapten are elected to the committee.

Full results here:

Debate begun at 18:30 BST, 16/04/2016

Defence Bill

Proposed by: The Government

"This Bill implements much of the New Military Plan debated in Congress last week. In addition to setting up a National Military Unit under the jurisdiction of the MoD, it sets out for the first time what the responsibilites of the Ministry of Defence, giving Congress a set of objective standards by which they can judge the performance of the MoD.

Important to note is that the bill does not commit money to be spent on the NMU, Congress will still have to approve specific spending as and when it is requested."

Link to the Statute Book

Citizenship Committee

The Citizenship Committee has approved Viadd Cabon’s application for eUK Citizenship.

“Name: Viadd Cabon
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1528544
Why: UK is his home country, apparently.
Companies: None
TG: "WR:3, CC:2, SR:1, SFC:1"
Vouch: No.
Political interest: Not really? "Not got involved in the UK political scene before was in charge of a party in eNZ but that was due to it falling to me by default."

Yes: Aleks Popovic, Kapten Johnson, jamesw, Huey

Unsure: CheetahCurtis