[BRNews] Finally, CRTL is now official!

Day 1,777, 18:51 Published in Poland Brazil by SEP II

Hello mates,


You can see more info about it in this article.

But, what does this REALLY means?

As you can saw last few weeks, Im totally pro-CRTL cause for me its a chance to see something that never happen in eRepublik: 3 major alliances.

Since the begging of the eRepublik we had two alliances fighting against each other: ONE X EDEN; ONE X TEDEN; PEACE X ATLANTIS, and so on.

Besides the time we had ONE, EDEN and TERRA, everybody knows that TERRA became a kind of sub-EDEN, specially, duo the lack of commitment of the TERRA HQ with its own alliance. Thats the real reason that Brozil and USA left TERRA.

Why now its different? Why do you think CRTL wont be a "sub-alliance" of EDEN or even ONE?

Cause of their principals! In the Mission Statement we saw that CRTL propouse its: "(...), the alliance also seeks to reduce the game’s current focus on Balkan-centric conflicts (...)"

Well, what is the heart of EDEN? Croatia and Romania. What is the heart of ONE? Serbia and Hungary (sorry FYROM, you are just a junior).

Even if you talk about CoT, the main country in Bulgaria...

So, all the "major" countries of the alliances are in the balkans.

If CRTL "change their mind" and focus in balkans, the alliance will be destroy immediatelly. Also, to "change their mind" will have to surpass several troubles of countries that dont like each others. For example: Brazil X Romania and Brazil X Hungary (I cant talk for other members of CRTL, thats why I only talk about my country).

So, thats exactly why Im excited of seeing not a bipolar world anymore, but a world of mutiple sides, a world were we dont have to fight in eternal wars in Balkans that we are pretty sure that in one month will be useless.

Im not the only one. Great part of eBrozilians are happy to see CRTL out of the papper and working, cause we are very tired of fighting for Balkans country every single day as an "obligation". And old guys ingame like me, do that for more than 3 years...

In the end, lets give CTRL a chance to solidify itself, approaching our communities and, specially, having fun!



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[BRNews] Finally, CRTL is now official!
