[BIA] [SRB-EN] Nastanak novog protivničkog saveza i raspad našeg

Day 2,248, 14:50 Published in Serbia Serbia by Free Area


Dragi čitaoci ,

dobro veče. Svedoci smo činjenice da se savez TWO polako ali sigurno raspada, jedna za drugom, članice predlažu zakone o napuštanju saveza , pa tako i naša Srbija.


Došao sam do strogo poverljive informacije koju je predsednik Hrvatske uputio ljudima od poverenja i članovima vlade gde navodi važnost ovog podatka i apel da ostane tajan, međutim "srpska obaveštajna služba" je došla do tih obaveštenja.

Postoji plan da se formira novi savez u koji bi ušle:

-Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
-Bosna i Hercegovina

U sklopu plana je da prijateljske zemlje novog saveza budu USA, Čile,Brazil i Kina, a kao mogućnost se ukazuje pristupanje savezu MADJARSKE I RUMUNIJE.


Dear readers,

We are all witnesses of the fact that TWO is slowly but surely falling apart.
One after the other, members of TWO are leaving the alliance and eSerbia is doing the same.


We have intercepted a confidental information passed on by the president of eCroatia to his people of trust and most important eCroatian political leaders where he states the importance of this information and appeals for discretion on their part, however „Serbian intelligence“ has managed to find a leak in their ranks.

They have a plan to form a new alliance with the following countries:


Part of the plan is that eUSA,eChile, eBrazil and eChina become friendly nations, and they are also leaving the option for eRomania and eHungary to join them if they decide to do so.

Thanks Backoovan for quick translation.
