[Ash] India and The Great Battle for Stockholm

Day 4,022, 07:54 Published in India India by Ashwamaedh

So the dust has just about settled on the battle for Stockholm...and what a battle it was. Epic in all respects!

I was amazed to see the stats of the damage done (you can find the data in the Article by the Croatia CP here

To those who feel too lazy to go read it, here is a tl:dr (first the pic from the same article above - ITS NOT MINE AND I DO NOT WANT VOTES... just want to make all our eIndians aware that the day was something incredible in our history)

975 billion... yes BILLION! by Bulgaria and 950 BILLION by Croatia!!! (and India 5th!)

What's even more incredible is that India was in the top half in terms of damage for our bros Bulgaria. (we were 5th with an incredible 20 billion!) That's quite an achievement for us and one to cherish.

Even in the Air battles we seem to be moving up the charts in terms of damage and that is quite amazing to see.

With so many of our pilots starting to move into the higher ranks, it looks like India are no longer the pushovers we once used to be. Great news indeed and all thanks to our amazing allies - BG and MKD who have stood by us since ages!

And finally for all our amazing fighters and our brothers (BG and MKD) - A salute for the effort. Its one of the best I have seen us do since a time long ago when piddly little India defeated the mighty Iranians with the help of Seal team 6 (and Indonesia) in an era long gone.